Command Line Options

General Options

usage: ample [-h] [-config_file CONFIG_FILE] [-nproc NPROC]
             [-work_dir WORK_DIR] [-alignment_file ALIGNMENT_FILE]
             [-allow_his_tag True/False] [-blast_dir BLAST_DIR]
             [-classic_mode True/False] [-ccp4i2_xml CCP4I2_XML]
             [-devel_mode devel_mode] [-dry_run True/False]
             [-early_terminate True/False] [-ensembles ENSEMBLES]
             [-fasta FASTA]
             [-fast_protein_cluster_exe FAST_PROTEIN_CLUSTER_EXE]
             [-F flag for F] [-FREE flag for FREE] [-ideal_helices True/False]
             [-improve_template improve_template] [-make_models True/False]
             [-max_array_jobs MAX_ARRAY_JOBS] [-missing_domain True/False]
             [-models models] [-mr_sequence MR_SEQUENCE] [-mtz MTZ in]
             [-name job_name] [-native_pdb native_pdb]
             [-native_mtz native_pdb] [-nmodels number of models] [-nr nr]
             [-nmr_model_in nmr_model_in] [-nmr_process NMR_PROCESS]
             [-nmr_remodel True/False] [-nmr_remodel_fasta NMR_REMODEL_FASTA]
             [-purge True/False] [-psipred_ss2 PSIPRED_FILE]
             [-quick_mode True/False] [-restart_pkl RESTART_PKL]
             [-run_dir run_directory] [-rvapi_document RVAPI_DOCUMENT]
             [-scwrl_exe path to scwrl] [-show_gui True/False]
             [-single_model SINGLE_MODEL] [-sf_cif SF_CIF] [-SIGF SIGF]
             [-spicker_exe SPICKER_EXE] [-top_model_only True/False]
             [--version] [-webserver_uri WEBSERVER_URI]

Named Arguments

-config_file user configuration file
-nproc Number of processors [1]. For local, serial runs the jobs will be split across nproc processors.For cluster submission, this should be the number of processors on a node.
-work_dir Path to the directory where the job will run (will be created if it doesn’t exist)
 Alignment file in fasta format. For homologues the first line of each sequence must be the pdb file name
-allow_his_tag Allow HIS tags in the input sequence
-blast_dir Directory where ncbi blast is installed (binaries in expected in bin subdirectory)
-classic_mode Preset options to run the original AMPLE clustering/truncation options (1 cluster, 3 subclustering radii, 3 sidechains)
-ccp4i2_xml Path to CCP4I2 XML file - if not None indicates we are running under CCP4I2
-devel_mode Preset options to run in development mode - takes longer
-dry_run Check if input files and supplied options are valid.
 Stop the run as soon as a success has been found.
-ensembles Path to directory containing existing ensembles
-fasta protein fasta file. (required)
 path to fast_protein_cluster executable
-F Flag for F column in the MTZ file
-FREE Flag for FREE column in the MTZ file
-ideal_helices Use ideal polyalanine helices to solve structure (8 helices: from 5-40 residues)
 Path to a template to improve - NMR, homolog
-make_models run rosetta modeling, set to False to import pre-made models (required if making models locally default True)
 Maximum number of array jobs to run
 Modelling a missing domain - requires domain_all_chains_pdb argument
-models Path to a folder of PDB decoys, or a tarred and gzipped/bziped, or zipped collection of decoys
-mr_sequence sequence file for crystal content (if different from what’s given by -fasta)
-mtz The MTZ file with the reflection data.
-name 4-letter identifier for job [ampl]
-native_pdb Path to the crystal structure PDB for benchmarking.
-native_mtz Path to the native MTZ containing FC and PHIC calculated phases for benchmarking.
-nmodels number of models to make (default: 1000)
-nr Path to the NR non-redundant sequence database
-nmr_model_in PDB with NMR models
-nmr_process number of times to process the NMR models
-nmr_remodel Remodel the NMR structures
 The FASTA sequence to be used for remodelling the NMR ensemble if different from the default FASTA sequence
-purge Delete all intermediate files and failed MRBUMP results
-psipred_ss2 Psipred secondary structure prediction file
-quick_mode Preset options to run quickly, but less thoroughly
-restart_pkl Rerun a job using the pickled ample dictionary
-run_dir Directory where the AMPLE work directory will be created [current dir]
 Path to an existing rvapi document (for running under jscofe)
-scwrl_exe Path to Scwrl4 executable
-show_gui Pop up and display a stand-alone GUI
-single_model Single structure model to be used to create ensembles
-sf_cif Path to a structure factor CIF file (instead of MTZ file)
-SIGF Flag for SIGF column in the MTZ file
-spicker_exe Path to spicker executable
 Only process the top model in each ensemble
--version show program’s version number and exit
-webserver_uri URI of the webserver directory - also indicates we are running as a webserver

Cluster Submission Options

usage: ample [-h] [-submit_array True/False] [-submit_cluster True/False]
             [-submit_max_array SUBMIT_MAX_ARRAY]
             [-submit_num_array_jobs SUBMIT_NUM_ARRAY_JOBS]
             [-submit_pe_lsf SUBMIT_PE_LSF] [-submit_pe_sge SUBMIT_PE_SGE]
             [-submit_queue SUBMIT_QUEUE] [-submit_qtype SUBMIT_QTYPE]

Cluster queue submission options

-submit_array Submit SGE jobs as array jobs
 Submit jobs to a cluster - need to set -submit_qtype flag to specify the batch queue system.
 The maximum number of jobs to run concurrently with SGE array job submission
 The number of jobs to run concurrently with SGE array job submission
-submit_pe_lsf Cluster submission: string to set number of processors for LSF queueing system
-submit_pe_sge Cluster submission: string to set number of processors for SGE queueing system
-submit_queue The queue to submit to on the cluster.
-submit_qtype Cluster submission queue type - currently support SGE and LSF

Contact Prediction Options

usage: ample [-h] [-bbcontacts_file BBCONTACTS_FILE]
             [-bbcontacts_format BBCONTACTS_FORMAT]
             [-contact_file CONTACT_FILE] [-contact_format CONTACT_FORMAT]
             [-disulfide_constraints_file DISULFIDE_CONSTRAINTS_FILE]
             [-distance_to_neighbour DISTANCE_TO_NEIGHBOUR]
             [-energy_function ENERGY_FUNCTION] [-native_cutoff NATIVE_CUTOFF]
             [--no-contact-prediction] [-restraints_factor RESTRAINTS_FACTOR]
             [-restraints_file RESTRAINTS_FILE]
             [-restraints_weight RESTRAINTS_WEIGHT]
             [-subselect_mode SUBSELECT_MODE]

Contact Restraints Options

 Additional bbcontacts file. Requires normal contactfile
 Residue contact file format. For available formats refer to the AMPLE documentation
-contact_file Residue contact file
 Residue contact file format. For available formats refer to the AMPLE documentation
 Disulfide residue constraints for ab initio modelling
 Min. distance between residue pairs for contact (default=5)
 Rosetta energy function for contact restraint conversion (default=FADE)
-native_cutoff Distance cutoff for reference contacts in native structure (default=8A)

Do not predict contacts

Default: False

 Factor (* Sequence length) determining number of contact restraints to use (default=1.0)
 Residue restraints for ab initio modelling
 Additional energy weighting of restraints in Rosetta
 Long-range decoy satisfaction subselection mode - one of [linear | scaled | cutoff]

Structure Prediction Options

usage: ample [-h] [-all_atom True/False] [-frags_3mers FRAGS_3MERS]
             [-frags_9mers FRAGS_9MERS] [-make_frags True/False]
             [-rg_reweight radius of gyration reweight]
             [-rosetta_AbinitioRelax ROSETTA_ABINITIORELAX]
             [-ROSETTA_cluster ROSETTA_CLUSTER] [-rosetta_db ROSETTA_DB]
             [-rosetta_dir ROSETTA_DIR]
             [-rosetta_fragments_exe ROSETTA_FRAGMENTS_EXE]
             [-rosetta_version ROSETTA_VERSION] [-transmembrane True/False]
             [-transmembrane_old True/False]
             [-transmembrane_octopusfile TRANSMEMBRANE_OCTOPUSFILE]
             [-transmembrane_spanfile TRANSMEMBRANE_SPANFILE]
             [-transmembrane_lipofile TRANSMEMBRANE_LIPOFILE]
             [-use_homs True/False]

ROSETTA Modelling Options

-all_atom Do all-atom Rosetta modelling (adds “-return_full_atom true” to rosetta arguments
-frags_3mers Path to file with pre-existing Rosetta 3mer fragments
-frags_9mers Path to file with pre-existing Rosetta 3mer fragments
-make_frags set True to generate Rosetta 3mers and 9mers locally, False to import fragments
-rg_reweight Set the Rosetta -rg_reweight flag to specify the radius of gyration reweight.
 Path to Rosetta AbinitioRelax executable
 location of rosetta cluster
-rosetta_db Path to the Rosetta database directory
-rosetta_dir The Rosetta install directory
 Location of the Rosetta script
 The version number of Rosetta
-transmembrane Do Rosetta modelling for transmembrane proteins (Ovchinnikov protocol)
 Do Rosetta modelling for transmembrane proteins (Yarov-Yarovoy protocol)
 Octopus transmembrane topology predicition file
 Span file for modelling transmembrane proteins
 Lips4 file for modelling transmembrane proteins
-use_homs Select ROSETTA fragments from homologous models

Structure Ensembler Options

Molecular Replacement Options

usage: ample [-h] [-arpwarp_cycles ARPWARP_CYCLES]
             [-buccaneer_cycles BUCCANEER_CYCLES] [-do_mr True/False]
             [-domain_all_chains_pdb DOMAIN_ALL_CHAINS_PDB]
             [-domain_termini_distance DOMAIN_TERMINI_DISTANCE]
             [-molrep_only True/False] [-mrbump_dir MRBUMP_DIR]
             [-mr_keys MR_KEYS [MR_KEYS ...]] [-mr_sg_all True/False]
             [-nmasu NMASU] [-phaser_kill phaser_kill]
             [-phaser_only True/False] [-phaser_rms phaser_rms]
             [-refine_rebuild_arpwarp True/False]
             [-refine_rebuild_buccaneer True/False]
             [-shelx_cycles SHELX_CYCLES]
             [-shelxe_exe path to shelxe executable]
             [-shelxe_rebuild True/False] [-shelxe_rebuild_arpwarp True/False]
             [-shelxe_rebuild_buccaneer True/False] [-use_scwrl True/False]
             [-use_shelxe True/False]

MRBUMP/Molecular Replacement Options

 The number of ArpWarp cycles to run
 The number of Bucanner rebuilding cycles to run
-do_mr Run or skip the Molecular Replacement step
 Fixed input to mr bump
 distance between termini for insert domains
-molrep_only Only use Molrep for Molecular Replacement step in MRBUMP
-mrbump_dir Path to a directory of MRBUMP jobs (see restart_pkl)
-mr_keys Additional keywords for MRBUMP - are passed through without editing
-mr_sg_all Try all possible space groups in PHASER Molecular Replacement step in MRBUMP
-nmasu Manually specify the number of molecules in the asymmetric unit - sets the NMASu MRBUMP flag
-phaser_kill Time in minutes after which phaser will be killed (0 to leave running)
-phaser_only Only use Phaser for Molecular Replacement step in MRBUMP
-phaser_rms RMS value for phaser
 True to use ARPWARP to rebuild the REFMAC-refined MR result.
 True to use Buccaneer to rebuild the REFMAC-refined MR result.
-shelx_cycles The number of shelx cycles to run when rebuilding.
-shelxe_exe Path to the shelxe executable
 Rebuild shelxe traced pdb with buccaneer and arpwarp
 Rebuild shelxe traced pdb with arpwarp
 Rebuild shelxe traced pdb with buccaneer
-use_scwrl Remodel sidechains of the decoy models using Scwrl4
-use_shelxe True to use shelxe