
run_csymmatch # Gives pdb with oriented model create copy of csymmatch pdb with residue numbering matching native and rename chain to X concatenate the native and reformatted csymmatch pdb run ncont to generate contacts parse ncont file to generate map & analyse whether placed bits match and what type of structure they are

class Rio[source]

Bases: object



calcAllAtom(contactData) Calculate the All Atom data using the origin and data saved previously
calcRio(contactData) Calculate the RIO using the origin and data saved previously
findOrigin([nativePdbInfo, mrPdbInfo, …]) Find the origin using the maximum number of contacts as metric
helixFromContacts(contacts, dsspLog[, …]) Return the sequence of the longest contiguous helix from the given contact data
helixFromPdbs(origin, mrPdb, nativePdb, …) This is a wrapper to generate the info and resSeqMap objects needed by score Origin
parseNcontLog(contactData[, logfile, clean_up]) Lines are of format /1/B/1042(MET).
runNcont([pdbin, sourceChains, …]) FOO
analyseRio(contactData, dsspP=None)[source]

Calculate the All Atom data using the origin and data saved previously


Calculate the RIO using the origin and data saved previously

findChunks(contacts=None, dsspP=None, ssTest=False, minContig=3)[source]
findOrigin(nativePdbInfo=None, mrPdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, origins=None, allAtom=False, workdir=’/home/docs/checkouts/’)[source]

Find the origin using the maximum number of contacts as metric

helixFromContacts(contacts, dsspLog, minContig=2, maxGap=3)[source]

Return the sequence of the longest contiguous helix from the given contact data

source is the native, target the model

Get start and stop indices of all contiguous chunks - we can match multiple chains in the model, but any match must be within a single native chain - the source can increment or decrement - the model only ever increments (ncont “sort target inc” argument) - matches can be in-register or out-of-register, but for finding the longest chunk we don’t care

startstop = [ (10,15), (17, 34), (38, 50) ]

# Loop through all chunks, and if any two have a gap of < mingap, join the indices together.

# Get the indices of the largest chunk

# Get the corresponding AA sequence

helixFromPdbs(origin, mrPdb, nativePdb, nativeChain, dsspLog, workdir=’/home/docs/checkouts/’)[source]

This is a wrapper to generate the info and resSeqMap objects needed by score Origin

parseNcontLog(contactData, logfile=None, clean_up=True)[source]

Lines are of format /1/B/1042(MET). / CA [ C]: /1/b/ 988(GLU). / CA [ C]: 1.09 223 X-1/2,Y-1/2,Z

runNcont(pdbin=None, sourceChains=None, targetChains=None, maxDist=1.5, allAtom=False)[source]


scoreOrigin(origin=None, mrPdbInfo=None, nativePdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, workdir=’/home/docs/checkouts/’)[source]
ssIsOK(contact, dsspP=None, ssTest=False)[source]
class RioData[source]

Bases: object