Source code for ample.util.csymmatch

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import uuid

from ample.util import ample_util, pdb_edit

[docs]class Csymmatch(object): def __init__(self): self._reset() return def _reset(self): self.logfile = None self.parsed = False self.changeOfHand = False self.changeOfOrigin = None self.chainShifts = {} return
[docs] def run(self, refPdb=None, inPdb=None, outPdb=None, connectivityRadius=None, originHand=True, cleanup=False): """FOO """ self._reset() self.logfile = outPdb + "_{}.log".format(str(uuid.uuid1())) cmd = ['csymmatch', "-pdbin-ref", refPdb, "-pdbin", inPdb, "-pdbout", outPdb] if originHand: cmd += ["-origin-hand"] if connectivityRadius: cmd += ["-connectivity-radius", connectivityRadius] retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd=cmd, logfile=self.logfile, dolog=False) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error running command: {0}".format(" ".join(cmd))) if cleanup: os.unlink(self.logfile)
[docs] def parseLog(self, logfile=None, cleanup=True): """Parse the log""" if logfile is None: logfile = self.logfile assert logfile capturing = 0 currentChain = None self.chainShifts = {} for line in open(logfile, 'r'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("Chain:"): capturing = 1 f = line.split() currentChain = f[1] resStart = int(f[2][:-1]) resEnd = int(f[3]) if currentChain not in self.chainShifts: self.chainShifts[currentChain] = [] self.chainShifts[currentChain].append({'resStart': resStart, 'resEnd': resEnd}) continue if capturing == 1 or capturing == 2: capturing += 1 # Symmetry Opterator & Lattice Shift elif capturing == 3: capturing += 1 score = float(line.split()[3]) self.chainShifts[currentChain][-1]['score'] = score elif capturing == 4: # Singnifies end of chain blocks continue if "Change of hand" in line: # For our work, if there is a change of hand it didn't work fields = line.split() if fields[4] == "YES": self.changeOfHand = True if "Change of origin:" in line: # Find position of brackets i1 = line.index("(") i2 = line.index(")") oline = line[i1 + 1 : i2] x, y, z = oline.split(",") self.changeOfOrigin = [float(x), float(y), float(z)] self.parsed = True if cleanup: os.unlink(logfile) return
[docs] def origin(self, logfile=None, failOnChangeOfHand=True): """Return the change of origin. Csymmatch will always return something so we use a changeOfHand as indication of failure """ if not self.parsed: self.parseLog() if failOnChangeOfHand and self.changeOfHand: return False return self.changeOfOrigin
[docs] def averageScore(self): if not self.parsed: self.parseLog() if not len(self.chainShifts): return False score = 0.0 count = 0 for chain in self.chainShifts.keys(): for shift in self.chainShifts[chain]: score += shift['score'] count += 1 return score / count
[docs] def wrapModelToNative( self, mrPdb, nativePdb, origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], csymmatchPdb=None, workdir=None, cleanup=True ): """Take a pdb and wrap it onto the nativePdb using csymmatch. If origin is not [0.0,0.0,0.0] we also move the structure onto the new origin before wrapping""" if workdir is None: workdir = os.getcwd() assert os.path.isfile(mrPdb) and os.path.isfile(nativePdb), "Cannot find: {0} or {1}".format(mrPdb, nativePdb) originMrPdb = None if origin != [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]: ostr = "o{}_{}".format(origin, str(uuid.uuid1())).replace(" ", "") originMrPdb = ample_util.filename_append(filename=mrPdb, astr=ostr, directory=workdir) pdb_edit.translate(inpdb=mrPdb, outpdb=originMrPdb, ftranslate=origin) mrPdb = originMrPdb if csymmatchPdb is None: csymmatchPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrPdb, astr="csymmatch_{}".format(str(uuid.uuid1())), directory=workdir ), inPdb=mrPdb, outPdb=csymmatchPdb, originHand=False, cleanup=cleanup) if not os.path.isfile(csymmatchPdb): raise RuntimeError("Error generating csymmatchPdb") if cleanup and originMrPdb: os.unlink(originMrPdb) return csymmatchPdb