Source code for ample.util.exit_util

Created on Mar 18, 2015

@author: jmht

import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback

    import pyrvapi
except Exception:
    pyrvapi = None

def _debug_logfile(logger):
    debug_log = None
    if logger.handlers:
        for d in logger.handlers:
            n = 'baseFilename'
            if hasattr(d, n) and d.level == logging.DEBUG:
                debug_log = getattr(d, n)
    return debug_log

[docs]def exit_error(*args, **kwargs): """Exit on error collecting as much information as we can. Parameters ---------- message : str, optional A error message to print Notes ----- This previously accepted two arguments of a string to print as an error message and an exception traceback. We now just use sys.exch_info() so the messsage argument is no longer required but optional. While we refactor the code, we'll use *args to get any argument parameters passed in as the first argument. """ # Get the root logger logger = logging.getLogger() # An error may have occured before we started logging so we need to create one here if not logger.handlers: logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s\n', level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger() exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() msg = kwargs.get('message') if msg is None: if len(args) >= 1: # Fix for old cases msg = args[0] else: msg = "{0}: {1}".format(exc_type.__name__, exc_value.message) # header="**** AMPLE ERROR ****\n\n" header = "*" * 70 + "\n" header += "*" * 20 + " " * 10 + "AMPLE ERROR" + " " * 10 + "*" * 19 + "\n" header += "*" * 70 + "\n\n" # Create the Footer footer = "\n\n" + "*" * 70 + "\n\n" # Get the name of the debug log file debug_log = _debug_logfile(logger) if debug_log: footer += "More information may be found in the debug log file: {0}\n".format(debug_log) footer += "\nIf you believe that this is an error with AMPLE, please email:\n" footer += "providing as much information as you can about how you ran the program.\n" if debug_log: footer += "\nPlease include the debug logfile with your email: {0}\n".format(debug_log) # String it all together msg = header + msg + footer # Print out main message logger.critical(msg) # If we were called without an exception being raised, we just print the current stack if exc_traceback is None: traceback_str = "".join(traceback.format_stack()) else: traceback_str = "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) msg = "AMPLE EXITING AT2..." + os.linesep + traceback_str if debug_log: logger.debug(msg) else: # If we don't have a debug file we want to output the traceback to the console # Make sure the error widget is updated if pyrvapi: pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() sys.exit(1)