Source code for ample.ensembler

"""The AMPLE ensembler sub-package

This sub-package contains the source to apply AMPLE's
cluster-and-truncate approach to protein structure models.
It contains a series of different modules to apply varying
cluster and truncation algorithms to those models.

__author__ = "Jens Thomas, and Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "14 Nov 2016"
__version__ = "1.0"

import collections
import glob
import iotbx.pdb
import logging
import operator
import os
import shutil
import sys

from constants import SIDE_CHAIN_TREATMENTS
from abinitio import AbinitioEnsembler
from homologs import HomologEnsembler
from single_model import SingleModelEnsembler
from ample.util import ample_util
from ample.util import argparse_util
from ample.util import exit_util
from ample.util import pdb_edit
from ample.util import printTable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def add_argparse_options(parser=None): """Function to add the ensemble-specific options Parameters ---------- parser : :obj:`argparse.ArgumentParser` standalone : bool, optional Define if the parser is standalone [default: False] """ if parser is None: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser = parser.add_argument_group('Ensemble Options') # Ensenble-specific options here parser.add_argument('-cluster_dir', help='Path to directory of pre-clustered models to import') parser.add_argument('-cluster_method', help='How to cluster the models for ensembling (spicker|fast_protein_cluster') parser.add_argument('-ensembler_timeout', type=int, help='Time in seconds before timing out ensembling') parser.add_argument('-gesamt_exe', metavar='gesamt_exe', help='Path to the gesamt executable') parser.add_argument('-homologs', metavar='True/False', help='Generate ensembles from homologs models (requires -alignment_file)') parser.add_argument('-homolog_aligner', metavar='homolog_aligner', help='Program to use for structural alignment of homologs (gesamt|mustang)') parser.add_argument('-ensemble_max_models', help='Maximum number of models permitted in an ensemble') parser.add_argument('-maxcluster_exe', help='Path to Maxcluster executable') parser.add_argument('-mustang_exe', metavar='mustang_exe', help='Path to the mustang executable') parser.add_argument('-num_clusters', type=int, help='The number of Spicker clusters of the original decoys that will be sampled [1]') parser.add_argument('-percent', metavar='percent_truncation', help='percent interval for truncation') parser.add_argument('-score_matrix', help='Path to score matrix for spicker') parser.add_argument('-score_matrix_file_list', help='File with list of ordered model names for the score_matrix') parser.add_argument('-side_chain_treatments', type=str, nargs='+', help='The side chain treatments to use. Default: {0}'.format(SIDE_CHAIN_TREATMENTS)) parser.add_argument('-subcluster_radius_thresholds', type=float, nargs='+', help='The radii to use for subclustering the truncated ensembles') parser.add_argument('-subcluster_program', help='Program for subclustering models [maxcluster]') parser.add_argument('-theseus_exe', metavar='Theseus exe (required)', help='Path to theseus executable') parser.add_argument('-thin_clusters', metavar='True/False', help='Create ensembles from 10 clusters with 1 + 3A subclustering and polyAlanine sidechains') parser.add_argument('-truncation_method', help='How to truncate the models for ensembling percent|thresh|focussed|scores') parser.add_argument('-truncation_pruning', help='Whether to remove isolated residues (single)') parser.add_argument('-truncation_scorefile', help="CSV file containing per residue scores - COLUMN ONE MUST BE RESIDUE INDEX STARTING FROM 1") parser.add_argument('-truncation_scorefile_header', nargs='+', help="column headers to be used to create ensembles") return parser
[docs]def cluster_script(amoptd, python_path="ccp4-python"): """Create the script for ensembling on a cluster Parameters ---------- amoptd : dict An AMPLE option dictionary python_path : str, optional The path to the CCP4 python executable Returns ------- str The path to the cluster script """ # write out script work_dir = amoptd['work_dir'] script_path = os.path.join(work_dir, "") with open(script_path, "w") as job_script: job_script.write(ample_util.SCRIPT_HEADER + os.linesep) job_script.write( "ccp4-python -m ample.ensembler -restart_pkl {0}".format(amoptd['results_path']) + os.linesep) # Make executable os.chmod(script_path, 0o777) return script_path
[docs]def create_ensembles(amoptd): """Create the ensembles using the values in the amoptd dictionary Parameters ---------- amoptd : dict An AMPLE option dictionary """ # Create instance of the ensembler ensembler = ensembler_factory(amoptd) ############################################################################ # For a single model we don't need to use glob if not (amoptd['single_model'] or amoptd['models']): msg = 'AMPLE ensembler needs either a single_model or a list of models' exit_util.exit_error(msg, sys.exc_info()[2]) if amoptd['single_model'] and not os.path.isfile(amoptd['single_model']): msg = 'Cannot find single_model pdb: {0}'.format( amoptd['single_model']) exit_util.exit_error(msg, sys.exc_info()[2]) elif amoptd['models'] and len(amoptd['models'] < 2): msg = 'Not enough models provided for ensembling - use single_model_mode instead' exit_util.exit_error(msg, sys.exc_info()[2]) models = list([amoptd['single_model']] ) if amoptd['single_model_mode'] else amoptd['models'] #if amoptd['cluster_method'] == 'spicker_tmscore': # models = reorder_models(models, amoptd['score_matrix_file_list']) # if not (os.path.isfile(amoptd['score_matrix']) and os.path.isfile(amoptd['score_matrix_file_list'])): # raise RuntimeError("spicker_tmscore needs a score_matrix and score_matrix_file_list") # ensembler.score_matrix = amoptd['score_matrix'] # Run ensemble creation ensembles = ensembler.generate_ensembles_from_amoptd(models, amoptd) ############################################################################ # Hack to pull out the data - need to update code to work with ensemble objects rather than dictionaries amoptd['ensembles'] = [e.pdb for e in ensembles] amoptd['ensembles_data'] = [e.__dict__ for e in ensembles] # We need to let the main process know that we have succeeded as this module could be run on a cluster node with no link # to the parent process, so we create a file here indicating that we got this far and didn't die from an exception with open(amoptd['ensemble_ok'], 'w') as f: f.write('ok\n') # Delete all intermediate files if we're purging if amoptd['purge']: shutil.rmtree(ensembler.work_dir) return
[docs]def ensembler_factory(amoptd): """Return an ensembler object for the required ensembles Parameters ---------- amoptd : dict An AMPLE option dictionary Returns ------- :obj:`HomologEnsembler`, :obj:`SingleModelEnsembler`, or :obj:`AbinitioEnsembler` Instantiated ensembler object """ if amoptd['homologs']: ensembler_class = HomologEnsembler elif amoptd['single_model_mode']: ensembler_class = SingleModelEnsembler else: ensembler_class = AbinitioEnsembler # Paths to ensembling directories ensembles_directory = os.path.join(amoptd['work_dir'], 'ensembles') amoptd['ensembles_directory'] = ensembles_directory work_dir = os.path.join(amoptd['work_dir'], 'ensemble_workdir') return ensembler_class( ensembles_directory=ensembles_directory, ensemble_max_models=amoptd['ensemble_max_models'], nproc=amoptd['nproc'], work_dir=work_dir, # Executables fast_protein_cluster_exe=amoptd['fast_protein_cluster_exe'], gesamt_exe=amoptd['gesamt_exe'], lsqkab_exe=amoptd['lsqkab_exe'], maxcluster_exe=amoptd['maxcluster_exe'], scwrl_exe=amoptd['scwrl_exe'], spicker_exe=amoptd['spicker_exe'], theseus_exe=amoptd['theseus_exe'], )
[docs]def collate_cluster_data(ensembles_data): """Collate the cluster data into a dictionary structure Parameters ---------- ensembles_data : list, tuple A list of ensembles' data dictionaries Returns ------- A dictionary with the collated data """ clusters = {} # Loop through all ensemble data objects and build up a data tree cluster_method = None cluster_score_type = None truncation_method = None percent_truncation = None side_chain_treatments = [] for e in ensembles_data: if not cluster_method: cluster_method = e['cluster_method'] cluster_score_type = e['cluster_score_type'] percent_truncation = e['truncation_percent'] truncation_method = e['truncation_method'] # num_clusters = e['num_clusters'] cnum = e['cluster_num'] if cnum not in clusters: clusters[cnum] = {} clusters[cnum]['cluster_centroid'] = e['cluster_centroid'] clusters[cnum]['cluster_num_models'] = e['cluster_num_models'] clusters[cnum]['tlevels'] = {} tlvl = e['truncation_level'] if tlvl not in clusters[cnum]['tlevels']: clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl] = {} clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['truncation_variance'] = e['truncation_variance'] clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['num_residues'] = e['num_residues'] clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'] = {} srt = e['subcluster_radius_threshold'] if srt not in clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds']: clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt] = {} clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['num_models'] = e['subcluster_num_models'] clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['sct'] = {} sct = e['side_chain_treatment'] if sct not in side_chain_treatments: side_chain_treatments.append(sct) if sct not in clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['sct']: clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['sct'][sct] = {} clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['sct'][sct]['name'] = e['name'] clusters[cnum]['tlevels'][tlvl]['radius_thresholds'][srt]['sct'][sct]['num_atoms'] = e['ensemble_num_atoms'] return { 'clusters': clusters, 'cluster_method': cluster_method, 'cluster_score_type': cluster_score_type, 'truncation_method': truncation_method, 'percent_truncation': percent_truncation, 'side_chain_treatments': side_chain_treatments, }
[docs]def cluster_table_data(clusters, cluster_num, side_chain_treatments): """Generate a table containing the cluster data Parameters ---------- clusters : list, tuple A list of cluster dictionaries cluster_num : int The cluster number of interest side_chain_treatments : list, tuple A list of side chain treatments Returns ------- list A list of table data lines """ # FIX TO IGNORE side_chain_treatments # tdata = [("Name", "Truncation Level", u"Variance Threshold (\u212B^2)", "No. Residues", u"Radius Threshold (\u212B)", "No. Decoys", "Number of Atoms", "Sidechain Treatment")] tdata = [("Name", "Cluster", "Truncation Level", "Variance Threshold (A^2)", "No. Residues", "Radius Threshold (A)", "No. Decoys", "Number of Atoms", "Sidechain Treatment")] for tl in sorted(clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels']): tvar = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['truncation_variance'] nresidues = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['num_residues'] for i, rt in enumerate(sorted(clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['radius_thresholds'])): nmodels = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['radius_thresholds'][rt]['num_models'] side_chain_treatments = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['radius_thresholds'][rt]['sct'].keys( ) for j, sct in enumerate(side_chain_treatments): name = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['radius_thresholds'][rt]['sct'][sct]['name'] num_atoms = clusters[cluster_num]['tlevels'][tl]['radius_thresholds'][rt]['sct'][sct]['num_atoms'] if i == 0 and j == 0: # change of radius tdata.append((name, cluster_num, tl, tvar, nresidues, rt, nmodels, num_atoms, sct)) elif i > 0 and j == 0: # change of side_chain tdata.append((name, "", "", "", "", rt, nmodels, num_atoms, sct)) else: tdata.append( (name, "", "", "", "", "", "", num_atoms, sct)) return tdata
[docs]def ensemble_summary(ensembles_data): """Print a summary of the ensembling process Parameters ---------- ensembles_data : list, tuple A list of ensembles' data dictionaries Returns ------- str """ tableFormat = printTable.Table() d = collate_cluster_data(ensembles_data) clusters = d['clusters'] num_clusters = len(clusters) rstr = "\n" rstr += "Ensemble Results\n" rstr += "----------------\n\n" rstr += "Cluster method: {0}\n".format(d['cluster_method']) rstr += "Cluster score type: {0}\n".format(d['cluster_score_type']) rstr += "Number of clusters: {0}\n".format(num_clusters) rstr += "Truncation method: {0}\n".format(d['truncation_method']) rstr += "Percent truncation: {0}\n".format(d['percent_truncation']) rstr += "Side-chain treatments: {0}\n".format(d['side_chain_treatments']) for cluster_num in sorted(clusters.keys()): rstr += "\n" rstr += "Cluster {0}\n".format(cluster_num) rstr += "Number of models: {0}\n".format( clusters[cluster_num]['cluster_num_models']) rstr += "Cluster centroid: {0}\n".format( clusters[cluster_num]['cluster_centroid']) rstr += "\n" tdata = cluster_table_data( clusters, cluster_num, d['side_chain_treatments']) rstr += tableFormat.pprint_table(tdata) rstr += "\nGenerated {0} ensembles\n\n".format(len(ensembles_data)) return rstr
[docs]def import_ensembles(amoptd): """Import ensembles using their file paths Parameters ---------- amoptd : dict An AMPLE option dictionary Returns ------- list A list of absolute files paths of the ensembles """ if not pdb_edit.check_pdb_directory(amoptd['ensembles'], single=False): msg = "Cannot import ensembles from the directory: {0}".format( amoptd['ensembles']) exit_util.exit_error(msg)"Importing ensembles from directory: {0}".format( amoptd['ensembles'])) ensembles = glob.glob(os.path.join(amoptd['ensembles'], '*.pdb')) amoptd['ensembles'] = ensembles # get the data on the ensemble ensembles_data = [] for e in ensembles: d = {} d['name'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(e))[0] d['ensemble_pdb'] = e # Get data on the models hierarchy = iotbx.pdb.pdb_input(file_name=e).construct_hierarchy() d['subcluster_num_models'] = len(hierarchy.models()) d['num_residues'] = len( hierarchy.models()[0].chains()[0].residue_groups()) d['ensemble_num_atoms'] = len(hierarchy.models()[0].atoms()) ensembles_data.append(d) amoptd['ensembles_data'] = ensembles_data return ensembles
[docs]def reorder_models(models, ordered_list_file): """Reorder the list of models from a list of models (possibly in a different directory) Parameters ---------- models : list, tuple A list of model file paths ordered_list_file : str The path to a file with a model order list Returns ------- list The model list reordered """ with open(ordered_list_file) as f: ordered_list = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()] mdir = os.path.dirname(models[0]) model_names = set([os.path.basename(m) for m in models]) reordered_models = [] for tm_model in ordered_list: name = os.path.basename(tm_model) assert name in model_names, "TM model {0} is not in models!".format( name) reordered_models.append(os.path.join(mdir, name)) return reordered_models
[docs]def set_phaser_rms_from_subcluster_score(optd): """Set the phaser_rms for each ensemble based on its score""" if optd['ensemble_options'] is None: optd['ensemble_options'] = {} for ensemble_data in optd['ensembles_data']: name = ensemble_data['name'] if name not in optd['ensemble_options']: optd['ensemble_options'][name] = {} optd['ensemble_options'][name]['phaser_rms'] = ensemble_data['subcluster_score'] return
[docs]def sort_ensembles(ensemble_pdbs, ensembles_data=None, keys=None, prioritise=True): """Sort AMPLE ensemble data. Parameters ---------- ensemble_pdbs: list, tuple A list of ensemble file paths ensembles_data : list, tuple, optional A list of ensembles' data dictionaries keys : list, tuple, optional A list of keys in ensembles_data by which we sort. The key order must be high > middle > low! prioritise : bool, optional Favour ensembles in truncation level 20-50% [default: True] Returns ------- list A sorted list of the ensemble pdb file paths Raises ------ RuntimeError Not enough ensembles provided """ if len(ensemble_pdbs) < 1: raise RuntimeError("Not enough ensembles") # Sort with out method only if we have data which contains our generated data if ensembles_data: ensemble_pdbs_sorted = _sort_ensembles( ensemble_pdbs, ensembles_data, keys, prioritise) else: ensemble_pdbs_sorted = sorted(ensemble_pdbs) return ensemble_pdbs_sorted
def _sort_ensembles(ensemble_pdbs, ensemble_data, keys, prioritise): """Sort ensembles based on ``keys`` or the following order 1) Cluster 2) Truncation level - favoured region of 20-50% first 3) Subcluster radius threshold 4) Side chain treatment """ assert len(ensemble_pdbs) == len( ensemble_data), "Unequal ensembles data for sorting" # Keys we want to sort data by - differs for different source of ensembles if keys is None: keys = ['cluster_num', 'truncation_score_key', 'truncation_level', 'subcluster_radius_threshold', 'side_chain_treatment'] else: keys = [key for key in keys if key in ensemble_data[0] and ensemble_data[0][key]] if keys: # Zip the data so order remains identical between pdbs and data ensembles_zipped = zip(ensemble_pdbs, ensemble_data) # The sorting itself ensembles_zipped_ordered = sorted( ensembles_zipped, key=lambda e: [e[1][k] for k in keys]) # Sort the ensembles further if we want to prioritise the "sweet spot" # between 20-50% truncation level if "truncation_level" in keys and prioritise: ensembles_zipped_ordered = _sweet_spotting( ensembles_zipped_ordered, keys) # We need to `unzip` the data to get a list of ordered pdbs ensemble_pdbs_sorted, _ = zip(*ensembles_zipped_ordered) else: ensemble_pdbs_sorted = sorted(ensemble_pdbs) return list(ensemble_pdbs_sorted) def _sweet_spotting(ensembles_zipped_ordered, keys): """Sort the ensembles further if we want to prioritise the "sweet spot" between 20-50% truncation level Parameters ---------- ensembles_zipped_ordered : list, tuple Zipped and __sorted__ data keys : list, tuple Sorting keys Returns ------- list Sweet-spotted data """ class Eimer(object): """Container unit for binnable data""" def __init__(self): self.low = [] self.mid = [] self.high = [] def add(self, e): if e[1]['truncation_level'] > 50: self.high.append(e) elif e[1]['truncation_level'] < 20: self.low.append(e) else: self.mid.append(e) def magic(key, data): """Magic binning happening here""" container = {k[key]: [] for k in zip(*data)[1]} for e in data: container[e[1][key]].append(e) mulleimer = [] for c in sorted(list(container)): bin = Eimer() for e in container[c]: bin.add(e) mulleimer.extend(bin.mid + bin.low + bin.high) return mulleimer # We need to bin the data here in case we want the cluster number or truncation score key to take priority # over the truncation level. The binning will, thus, respect the cluster number by binning it accordingly. if "cluster_num" in keys and keys.index("cluster_num") < keys.index("truncation_level"): return magic("cluster_num", ensembles_zipped_ordered) elif "truncation_score_key" in keys and keys.index("truncation_score_key") < keys.index("truncation_level"): return magic("truncation_score_key", ensembles_zipped_ordered) else: bin = Eimer() for ens in ensembles_zipped_ordered: bin.add(ens) return bin.mid + bin.low + bin.high