Source code for ample.util.pyrvapi_results

#!/usr/bin/env ccp4-python
"""Module to interact with pyrvapi


:obj:`remove_widget()` may result in an unexpected unless you put :obj:`flush()` immediately before **and** immediately after calling them, e.g.:

.. code-block:: python
   >>> pyrvapi_flush()
   >>> for i in range():
   ...     rvapi_remove_widget(..i..)
   >>> rvapi_flush()

This is because chronology of rvapi calls between flushes is not necessarily the same as chronology of making/changing widgets in the page. E.g. in sequence of calls:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> rvapi_flush()
   >>> rvapi_action1()
   >>> rvapi_action2()
   >>> rvapi_action3()
   >>> rvapi_flush()
   >>> rvapi_action4()
   >>> rvapi_action5()
   >>> rvapi_action6()
   >>> rvapi_flush()

it is guaranteed that results of actions 4-6 will appear after results from 1-3, but there is no guarantee that results from 1-3 and 4-6 groups will appear in exactly that order. E.g., the page may perform actions like  3-1-2-5-4-6, but never like 6-4-1-2-3-5.


__author__ = "Jens Thomas"
__date__ = "03 Mar 2015"
__version__ = "1.0"

import logging
import json
import os
import subprocess
import urlparse
import uuid

from ample import ensembler
from ample.util import ample_util
from ample.util import mrbump_util

try: import pyrvapi
except: pyrvapi = None

# Hack to use Andre's pyrvapi API
try: import pyrvapi_ext as API
except ImportError: API = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AmpleOutput(object): """Display the output of an AMPLE job.""" _ensemble_tooltips = { "Name" : "Ensemble name - used to name the pdb file and the directory where mrbump carries out molecular replacement.", "Cluster" : "The SPICKER cluster that this ensemble was derived from.", "Truncation Level" : "Percentage of the model remaining after the varying residues were pruned away", "Variance Threshold (A^2)" : "THESEUS variance score for the most variable residue that remains in this ensemble", "No. Residues" : "Number of residues for each model in the ensemble", "Radius Threshold (A)" : "Radius threshold (1,2 or 3 A) used for subclustering the models in a truncation level", "No. Decoys" : "Number of models within this ensemble", "Number of Atoms" : "Number of atoms for each model in the ensemble", "Sidechain Treatment" : "allatom - all sidechains were retained, reliable - MET, ASP, PRO, GLN, LYS, ARG, GLU, SER were retained, polyAla - all sidechains were stripped back to polyalanine", } _mrbump_tooltips = { "ensemble_name" : "The identifier of the AMPLE ensemble search model", "MR_program" : "Molecular replacement program", "Solution_Type" : "MRBUMP categorisation of the solution", "PHASER_LLG" : "PHASER Log-likelihood gain for the Molecular Replacement solution", "PHASER_TFZ" : "PHASER Translation Function Z-score for the Molecular Replacement solution", "REFMAC_Rfact" : "Rfact score for REFMAC refinement of the Molecular Replacement solution", "REFMAC_Rfree" : "Rfree score for REFMAC refinement of the Molecular Replacement solution", "BUCC_final_Rfact" : "Rfact score for BUCCANEER rebuild of the Molecular Replacement solution", "BUCC_final_Rfree" : "Rfree score for BUCCANEER rebuild of the Molecular Replacement solution", "ARP_final_Rfact" : "Rfact score for ARPWARP rebuild of the Molecular Replacement solution", "ARP_final_Rfree" : "Rfree score for ARPWARP rebuild of the Molecular Replacement solution", "SHELXE_CC" : "SHELXE Correlation Coefficient score after C-alpha trace", "SHELXE_ACL" : "Average Chain Length of the fragments of the SHELXE C-alpha trace", "SXRBUCC_final_Rfact" : "Rfact score for BUCCANEER rebuild of the SHELXE C-alpha trace", "SXRBUCC_final_Rfree" : "Rfree score for BUCCANEER rebuild of the SHELXE C-alpha trace", "SXRARP_final_Rfact" : "Rfact score for ARPWARP rebuild of the SHELXE C-alpha trace", "SXRAP_final_Rfree" : "Rfree score for ARPWARP rebuild of the SHELXE C-alpha trace", } def __init__(self, amopt, own_gui=False): self.header = False self.log_tab_id = None self.old_mrbump_results = None self.results_tab_id = None self.results_tab_sections = [] self.summary_tab_id = None self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id = None self.summary_tab_results_sec_id = None self.summary_tab_survey_sec_id = None self.webserver_uri = None self.wbeserver_start = None self.ccp4i2 = False self.setup(amopt, own_gui=own_gui) return
[docs] def setup(self, amopt, rvapi_document=None, own_gui=False): if not (pyrvapi or ('no_gui' in amopt and amopt['no_gui'])): return report_dir = os.path.join(amopt['work_dir'], "jsrview") if not os.path.isdir(report_dir): os.mkdir(report_dir) self.ccp4i2 = bool(amopt['ccp4i2_xml']) docid = "AMPLE_results" title = "AMPLE Results" logger.debug("Using Andre's Pyrvapi" if API else "COULD NOT FIND Andre's API!") if API is None: share_jsrview = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "share", "jsrview") pyrvapi.rvapi_init_document(docid, report_dir, title, 1, 7, share_jsrview, None, None, None, None) else: if 'rvapi_document' in amopt and amopt['rvapi_document']: #API.document.fromfile(amopt['rvapi_document']) pyrvapi.rvapi_restore_document2(amopt['rvapi_document']) else: # Quick hack to init with Andre's stuff - can switch out for Felix's API when done kwargs = dict( wintitle = title, reportdir = report_dir, xml = amopt['ccp4i2_xml'], abspaths = False, # bug in jsrview: # layout = 4 if i1 else 7, ) API.document.newdoc(**kwargs) if 'webserver_uri' in amopt and amopt['webserver_uri']: # don't start browser and setup variables for the path on the webserver self._webserver_start = len(amopt['run_dir']) + 1 self.webserver_uri = amopt['webserver_uri'] if own_gui: # We start our own browser jsrview = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "libexec", "jsrview") subprocess.Popen([jsrview, os.path.join(report_dir, "index.html")]) return
[docs] def create_log_tab(self, ample_dict): if self.log_tab_id: return logfile = ample_dict['ample_log'] if not os.path.isfile(logfile): return False self.log_tab_id = "log_tab" logurl = self.fix_path(logfile) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.log_tab_id, "Log file", True) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide # Add watched (updatable) content to the log tab. pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content(logurl, True, self.log_tab_id) # pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() return self.log_tab_id
[docs] def create_results_tab(self, ample_dict): if self.ccp4i2 or not self.summary_tab_id: return if not self._got_mrbump_results(ample_dict): return mrb_results = ample_dict['mrbump_results'] if mrb_results == self.old_mrbump_results: return self.old_mrbump_results = mrb_results if not self.results_tab_id: self.results_tab_id = "results_tab" # Insert results tab before summary tab pyrvapi.rvapi_insert_tab(self.results_tab_id, "Results", self.summary_tab_id, False) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide # Delete old sections: pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() for section_id in self.results_tab_sections: pyrvapi.rvapi_remove_widget(section_id) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() self.results_tab_sections = [] ensemble_results = None if self._got_ensemble_data(ample_dict): ensemble_results = ample_dict['ensembles_data'] mrbsum = mrbump_util.ResultsSummary(results=mrb_results[0:min(len(mrb_results),mrbump_util.TOP_KEEP)]) mrbsum.sortResults(prioritise="SHELXE_CC") self.results_section(self.results_tab_id, mrbsum.results, ensemble_results, "Top {0} SHELXE Results".format(mrbump_util.TOP_KEEP)) mrbsum.sortResults(prioritise="PHASER_TFZ") self.results_section(self.results_tab_id, mrbsum.results, ensemble_results, "Top {0} PHASER Results".format(mrbump_util.TOP_KEEP)) return self.results_tab_id
def _create_summary_tab(self): if not self.summary_tab_id: self.summary_tab_id = "summary_tab" title = "Summary" if self.ccp4i2: # Create summary tab pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.summary_tab_id, title, True) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide else: # Insert summary tab before log tab pyrvapi.rvapi_insert_tab(self.summary_tab_id, title, self.log_tab_id, False) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide return
[docs] def create_summary_tab(self, ample_dict): # # Summary Tab # #if not self.log_tab_id: return if not (ample_dict['single_model_mode'] or ample_dict['homologs'] or not self._got_ensemble_data(ample_dict)): ensembles_data = ample_dict['ensembles_data'] self._create_summary_tab() # Hack to cope with ideal helices and importing ensembles def do_ensemble_sec(ample_dict): return not (ample_dict['ideal_helices'] or ample_dict['import_ensembles'] or ample_dict['homologs']) if not self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id and do_ensemble_sec(ample_dict): self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id = "ensembles" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id, "Ensembles", self.summary_tab_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, True) # Get the ensembling data d = ensembler.collate_cluster_data(ensembles_data) clusters = d['clusters'] rstr = "" rstr += "Ensemble Results<br/>" rstr += "----------------<br/><br/>" rstr += "Cluster method: {0}<br/>".format(d['cluster_method']) rstr += "Cluster score type: {0}<br/>".format(d['cluster_score_type']) rstr += "Truncation method: {0}<br/>".format(d['truncation_method']) rstr += "Percent truncation: {0}<br/>".format(d['percent_truncation']) rstr += "Side-chain treatments: {0}<br/>".format(d['side_chain_treatments']) rstr += "Number of clusters: {0}<br/><br/>".format(len(clusters.keys())) rstr += "Generated {0} ensembles<br/><br/>".format(len(ensembles_data)) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text(rstr, self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) ensemble_table = "ensemble_table" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_table1(self.summary_tab_ensemble_sec_id + "/" + ensemble_table, "Ensembling Results", 1, 0, 1, 1, True) # for cluster_num in sorted(clusters.keys()): # rstr += "\n" # rstr += "Cluster {0}\n".format(cluster_num) # rstr += "Number of models: {0}\n".format(clusters[cluster_num]['cluster_num_models']) # rstr += "Cluster centroid: {0}\n".format(clusters[cluster_num]['cluster_centroid']) # rstr += "\n" # tdata = cluster_table_data(clusters, cluster_num) # rstr += tableFormat.pprint_table(tdata) # cluster_num = 1 tdata = ensembler.cluster_table_data(clusters, cluster_num, d['side_chain_treatments']) self.fill_table(ensemble_table, tdata, tooltips=self._ensemble_tooltips) # # MRBUMP Results # if not self._got_mrbump_results(ample_dict): return self.summary_tab_id self._create_summary_tab() if not self.summary_tab_results_sec_id: # Only create the table once self.summary_tab_results_sec_id = "mrbump" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(self.summary_tab_results_sec_id, "MRBUMP", self.summary_tab_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, True) self.summary_tab_results_sec_table_id = "mrbump_table" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_table1(self.summary_tab_results_sec_id + "/" + self.summary_tab_results_sec_table_id, "MRBUMP Results", 1, 0, 1, 1, True) mrb_results = ample_dict['mrbump_results'] if not mrb_results == self.old_mrbump_results: # We set old_mrbump_results when we create the results_tab self.fill_table(self.summary_tab_results_sec_table_id, mrbump_util.ResultsSummary().results_table(mrb_results), tooltips=self._mrbump_tooltips) # # Survey section # if not self.summary_tab_survey_sec_id and not self.ccp4i2: # Only create the table once self.summary_tab_survey_sec_id = "survey" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(self.summary_tab_survey_sec_id, "Feedback", self.summary_tab_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, True) rstr = "<h2>How did we do?</h2><h3>Please follow this link and leave some feedback:</h3><a href='{0}' style='color: blue'>{0}</a>".format(ample_util.survey_url) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text(rstr, self.summary_tab_survey_sec_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) return self.summary_tab_id
[docs] def display_results(self, ample_dict, run_dir=None): if not (pyrvapi or ('no_gui' in ample_dict and ample_dict['no_gui'])): return if not self.header: pyrvapi.rvapi_add_header("AMPLE Results") self.header = True if not self.ccp4i2: self.create_log_tab(ample_dict) self.create_summary_tab(ample_dict) self.create_results_tab(ample_dict) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() return True
[docs] def ensemble_pdb(self, mrbump_result, ensembles_data): try: ensemble_dict = None for e in ensembles_data: if e['name'] == mrbump_result['ensemble_name']: ensemble_dict = e break if os.path.isfile(ensemble_dict['ensemble_pdb']): return ensemble_dict['ensemble_pdb'] else: return False except: return False
[docs] def fix_path(self, path): """Ammend path so it's suitable for the webserver""" if self.webserver_uri: return urlparse.urljoin(self.webserver_uri, path[self._webserver_start:]) else: return path
[docs] def fill_table(self, table_id, tdata, tooltips={}): # Make column headers for i in range(len(tdata[0])): # Skip name as it's the row header h = tdata[0][i] tt = tooltips[h] if h in tooltips else "" pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader(table_id, h.encode('utf-8'), tt, i) # Add table data for i in range(1, len(tdata)): for j in range(len(tdata[i])): pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string(table_id, str(tdata[i][j]), i - 1, j) # Now colour the ensemble name cells for i in range(len(tdata) - 1): pyrvapi.rvapi_shape_table_cell(table_id, # tableId i, # row 0, # column "", # tooltip "", # cell_css # "table-blue-vh", # cell_style "table-blue", # cell_style 1, # rowSpan 1) # colSpan return
def _got_mrbump_results(self, ample_dict): return 'mrbump_results' in ample_dict and len(ample_dict['mrbump_results']) def _got_ensemble_data(self, ample_dict): return 'ensembles_data' in ample_dict and len(ample_dict['ensembles_data'])
[docs] def results_section(self, results_tab_id, mrb_results, ensemble_results, section_title): # # Results Tab # if not mrb_results: return # Create unique identifier for this section by using the id # All ids will have this appended to avoid clashes uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) section_id = section_title.replace(" ","_") + uid self.results_tab_sections.append(section_id) # Add to list so we can remove if we update pyrvapi.rvapi_add_panel(section_id, results_tab_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text("<h3>{0}</h3>".format(section_title), section_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) results_tree = "results_tree" + section_id pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tree_widget(results_tree, section_title, section_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) for r in mrb_results: name = r['ensemble_name'] # container_id="sec_{0}".format(name) # pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(container_id,"Results for: {0}".format(name),results_tree,0,0,1,1,True) container_id = "sec_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_panel(container_id, results_tree, 0, 0, 1, 1) header = "<h3>Results for ensemble: {0}</h3>".format(name) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text(header, container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) sec_table = "sec_table_{0}".format(name) + uid title = "Results table: {0}".format(name) title = "Summary" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_table, title, container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, True) table_id = "table_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_table(table_id, "", sec_table, 1, 0, 1, 1, False) tdata = mrbump_util.ResultsSummary().results_table([r]) self.fill_table(table_id, tdata, tooltips=self._mrbump_tooltips) # Ensemble if ensemble_results: epdb = self.ensemble_pdb(r, ensemble_results) if epdb: sec_ensemble = "sec_ensemble_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_ensemble, "Ensemble Search Model", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) data_ensemble = "data_ensemble_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_ensemble, "Ensemble PDB", self.fix_path(epdb), "XYZOUT", sec_ensemble, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # PHASER if os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_mtzout']))): sec_phaser = "sec_phaser_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_phaser, "PHASER Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_mtzout'])): data_phaser = "data_phaser_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_phaser, "PHASER PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['PHASER_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_phaser, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_phaser, self.fix_path(r['PHASER_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['PHASER_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_phaser_logfile_{0}".format(name), "PHASER Logfile", self.fix_path(r['PHASER_logfile']), "text", sec_phaser, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # REFMAC if os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_mtzout']))): sec_refmac = "sec_refmac_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_refmac, "REFMAC Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_mtzout'])): data_refmac = "data_refmac_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_refmac, "REFMAC PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['REFMAC_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_refmac, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_refmac, self.fix_path(r['REFMAC_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['REFMAC_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_refmac_logfile_{0}".format(name), "REFMAC Logfile", self.fix_path(r['REFMAC_logfile']), "text", sec_refmac, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # Buccaner if os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_mtzout']))): sec_bucc = "sec_bucc_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_bucc, "BUCCANEER Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_mtzout'])): data_bucc = "data_bucc_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_bucc, "BUCC PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['BUCC_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_bucc, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_bucc, self.fix_path(r['BUCC_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['BUCC_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_bucc_logfile_{0}".format(name), "BUCC Logfile", self.fix_path(r['BUCC_logfile']), "text", sec_bucc, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # Arpwarp if os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_mtzout']))): sec_arp = "sec_arp_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_arp, "ARPWARP Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_mtzout'])): data_arp = "data_arp_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_arp, "ARP PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['ARP_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_arp, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_arp, self.fix_path(r['ARP_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['ARP_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_arp_logfile_{0}".format(name), "ARP Logfile", self.fix_path(r['ARP_logfile']), "text", sec_arp, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # SHELXE if os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_mtzout']))): sec_shelxe = "sec_shelxe_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_shelxe, "SHELXE Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_mtzout'])): data_shelxe = "data_shelxe_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_shelxe, "SHELXE PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['SHELXE_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_shelxe, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_shelxe, self.fix_path(r['SHELXE_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['SHELXE_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_shelxe_logfile_{0}".format(name), "SHELXE Logfile", self.fix_path(r['SHELXE_logfile']), "text", sec_shelxe, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # Buccaner Rebuild if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_mtzout']))): sec_sxrbucc = "sec_sxrbucc_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_sxrbucc, "BUCCANEER SHELXE Trace Rebuild Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_mtzout'])): data_sxrbucc = "data_sxrbucc_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_sxrbucc, "SXRBUCC PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['SXRBUCC_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_sxrbucc, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_sxrbucc, self.fix_path(r['SXRBUCC_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRBUCC_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_sxrbucc_logfile_{0}".format(name), "SXRBUCC Logfile", self.fix_path(r['SXRBUCC_logfile']), "text", sec_sxrbucc, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) # Arpwarp Rebuild if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_logfile'])) or (os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_mtzout']))): sec_sxrarp = "sec_sxrarp_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(sec_sxrarp, "ARPWARP SHELXE Trace Redbuild Outputs", container_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, False) if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_pdbout'])) and os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_mtzout'])): data_sxrarp = "data_sxrarp_out_{0}".format(name) + uid pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data(data_sxrarp, "SXRARP PDB", os.path.splitext(self.fix_path(r['SXRARP_pdbout']))[0], "xyz:map", sec_sxrarp, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data(data_sxrarp, self.fix_path(r['SXRARP_mtzout']), "xyz:map") if os.path.isfile(str(r['SXRARP_logfile'])): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data("data_sxrarp_logfile_{0}".format(name), "SXRARP Logfile", self.fix_path(r['SXRARP_logfile']), "text", sec_sxrarp, 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_set_tree_node(results_tree, container_id, "{0}".format(name), "auto", "") return
[docs] def rvapi_shutdown(self, amopt): """Return any results to jscofe Parameters ---------- amopt : dict AMPLE results dictionary with all information """ k = 'rvapi_document' if not (k in amopt and amopt[k]): return rvdoc = amopt[k] work_dir = amopt['work_dir'] # Create dictionary we're going to return meta = { 'first_tab_id' : self.log_tab_id, 'root' : work_dir } nresults = 0 if 'mrbump_results' in amopt and amopt['mrbump_results']: mrb_results = amopt['mrbump_results'] nresults = min(3, len(mrb_results)) if nresults > 0: meta['n_entries'] = nresults meta['xyz'] = {} meta['hkl'] = {} for i, fdata in enumerate(mrbump_util.ResultsSummary(mrb_results[:nresults]).topFiles(nresults)): ftype = '{0}_{1}'.format(fdata['xyz']['type'], i) meta['xyz'][ftype] = os.path.relpath(work_dir,fdata['xyz']['path']) ftype = '{0}_{1}'.format(fdata['mtz']['type'], i) meta['hkl'][ftype] = os.path.relpath(work_dir,fdata['mtz']['path']) else: meta['n_entries'] = 0 # Commit to file logger.debug("Exporting pyrvapi metadata:\n{0}".format(meta)) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_meta(json.dumps(meta)) pyrvapi.rvapi_store_document2(rvdoc) return
if __name__ == "__main__": import copy, sys, time pklfile = sys.argv[1] ample_dict = ample_util.read_amoptd(pklfile) ample_dict['no_gui'] = False ample_dict['ample_log'] = os.path.abspath(__file__) report_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir,"pyrvapi_tmp")) AR = AmpleOutput(ample_dict, report_dir=report_dir, own_gui=True, xml=None) #AR.display_results(ample_dict) view1_dict = copy.copy(ample_dict) del view1_dict['ensembles_data'] del view1_dict['mrbump_results'] SLEEP = 5 AR.display_results(view1_dict) time.sleep(SLEEP) #for i in range(10): view1_dict['ensembles_data'] = ample_dict['ensembles_data'] AR.display_results(view1_dict) time.sleep(SLEEP) mrbump_results = [] for r in ample_dict['mrbump_results'][0:3]: r['SHELXE_CC'] = None r['SHELXE_ACL'] = None mrbump_results.append(r) view1_dict['mrbump_results'] = mrbump_results AR.display_results(view1_dict) time.sleep(SLEEP) view1_dict['mrbump_results'] = ample_dict['mrbump_results'][0:5] AR.display_results(view1_dict) time.sleep(SLEEP) view1_dict['mrbump_results'] = ample_dict['mrbump_results'] AR.display_results(view1_dict)