Source code for ample.util.cluster_entropy


#  divide into parallel, select one, compare to rest- measure cluster repeat untill largest
#sort and rewrite
import re
import os, glob
from multiprocessing import Process, JoinableQueue

[docs]def count_files_in_dir(path): counter =0 for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(path, '*.pdb') ): counter=counter+1 return counter
[docs]def split(models_path, outpath, NProc, NMODELS): #split into parallel comparisons for speed cluster_number =0 counter=0 divide= NMODELS / NProc #number of models in each split folder use to divide if divide <1: divide = 1 divided_files=[] files = [] for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(models_path, '*.pdb') ): counter = counter +1 files.append(infile) no_of_models = counter files.sort() for i in xrange(0, len(files), divide): divided_files.append(outpath + 'divide/' + str(i) ) #print files[i:i+divide] if not os.path.exists(outpath + 'divide/'): os.system ('mkdir ' + outpath + 'divide/') if not os.path.exists(outpath + 'divide/'+ str(i)): os.system ('mkdir ' + outpath + 'divide/' + str(i) ) for j in files[i:i+divide]: #print 'cp ' + models_path + '/' + str(j) + ' ' + outpath + 'divide/' + str(i) os.system ('cp ' +str(j) + ' ' + outpath + 'divide/' + str(i) ) # print divided_files return divided_files
[docs]def test_2_files(test1, test2, path_to_LGA, gdtout): string = test2 SCORE = '' path = os.getcwd() cur_path = path if not os.path.exists( path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout): os.system ('mkdir ' + path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout) os.system ('cp ' +path_to_LGA + '/lga ' +path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout ) os.system ('mkdir ' + path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/MOL2') os.system ('mkdir ' + path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/TMP') os.chdir(path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout) my_LGA_run = open (path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/LGA_run'+gdtout, "w") my_LGA_run.write('ulimit -s unlimited\n'+ path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/lga run.pdb -3 -sda -atom:CA \n') my_LGA_run.close() os.system ('chmod uoga=wrx ' + path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/LGA_run'+gdtout) test1 = open (test1) test2 = open (test2) test1_out = open(path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/MOL2/run.pdb', "w") test1_out.write('MOLECULE 1\n') for line in test1: test1_out.write(line) test1_out.write('ENDMOL\n') test1_out.write('MOLECULE 2\n') for line in test2: test1_out.write(line) test1_out.write('END\n') test1_out.close() #test2_out.close() os.system(path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/LGA_run'+gdtout+ ' > RESULTS')#### RESULTS = open(path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout+'/RESULTS') for line in RESULTS: get_stat1 = re.compile('^SUMMARY') result_stat1 = get_stat1.match(line) if result_stat1: # print line stat1_get = re.split('SUMMARY\(GDT\)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*(\d*.\d*)', line) SCORE = stat1_get[6] # os.system('rm -r ' +path + '/run_dir_'+gdtout) os.chdir(cur_path) return SCORE
################ # compare 1 folder - thread this #takes the split folder, top model, name, place to output 'GET',threshold for comparison (20, 25, ...
[docs]def compare_one_split_folder(folder, random_model_to_compare, suffix, current_cluster_output, threshold, q, path_to_LGA): #Number_passed =0 for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(folder, '*.pdb') ): #loop through models in folder name= re.split('/', infile) name= name.pop() name= re.split('.pdb', name) name = name[0] SCORE = test_2_files(random_model_to_compare, infile, path_to_LGA, suffix + '_' +name ) # print 'GOT ' + SCORE if float(SCORE) >= float(threshold): # print SCORE #print 'cp ' + infile + ' ' + outpath + '/' os.system('mv ' + infile + ' ' + current_cluster_output + '/' )
#Number_passed +=1 #q.put(Number_passed) ########################
[docs]def SORT_clusters(LIST_of_clusters, outpath): #sort clusters and renumber by size # [cluster, size] sorted_by_size = [] sorted_by_size = sorted(LIST_of_clusters, key=lambda student: student[1], reverse=True) print sorted_by_size largest_size = sorted_by_size[0][1] sorted_cluster = 0 for cluster in sorted_by_size: os.system('mv ' + outpath +'/cluster'+str(cluster[0]) +' ' + outpath + '/sorted_cluster_' +str(sorted_cluster) ) sorted_cluster += 1 return largest_size, outpath + '/sorted_cluster_0'
[docs]def cluster(path_of_models, LGA, nproc, NMODELS, outpath, list_of_cores): #list_of_cores=[20]#, 25]#, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80] ###temp dir if os.path.exists(outpath + '/temp'): os.system('rm -r ' +outpath + '/temp') os.system('mkdir '+ outpath + '/temp') for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(path_of_models, '*.pdb') ): os.system('cp '+infile +' '+outpath + '/temp/') path_of_models = outpath + '/temp' random_model_to_compare = '' LIST_of_clusters = [] LIST_of_cluster_sizes=[] used_random_models = [] for core in list_of_cores: if not os.path.exists(outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) ): os.system('mkdir ' +outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) ) os.chdir(outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) ) if os.path.exists(outpath + 'split/'): os.system('rm -r ' + outpath + 'split/' ) if not os.path.exists(outpath + 'split/'): os.mkdir( outpath + 'split/') list_of_split_paths = split(path_of_models, outpath + 'split/', nproc, NMODELS) #print list_of_split_paths GOT_LARGEST_CLUSTER = False cluster = 0 temp_path_name = path_of_models files = [] for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(path_of_models, '*.pdb') ): files.append(infile) while GOT_LARGEST_CLUSTER == False: current_cluster = outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) +'/cluster'+str(cluster) os.system('mkdir ' +outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) +'/cluster'+str(cluster)) #get a random model as a starting 'top model' for each_file in files: if not each_file in used_random_models: random_model_to_compare = each_file used_random_models.append(random_model_to_compare) #print used_random_models, random_model_to_compare break os.chdir(outpath) #run comparisons parallel against 'top model' (thread to make parallel) if similar- keep suffix_char_used = [] # for letter in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1): # print chr(letter) # suffix_char.append(chr(letter)) q = JoinableQueue() number_passed = 0 threads = [] counter = 0 for split_path in list_of_split_paths: ## Threadding to make parallel, the number of folders = number of comparisons ## as each takes little processor power, can make more than the number of cores? ##can split into 100 to run fast but with lag counter +=1 suffix = str(counter) #compare_one_split_folder thread = Process(target=compare_one_split_folder, args=(split_path, random_model_to_compare, suffix, current_cluster, core, q, LGA)) thread.start() threads.append(thread) #print 'number_passed ', q.get() for thread in threads: thread.join() number_in_cluster = 0 for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(outpath + 'cluster_' + str(core) +'/cluster'+str(cluster), '*.pdb') ): number_in_cluster += 1 name= re.split('/', infile) name= name.pop() #if temp_path_name+'/'+name in files: files.remove(temp_path_name+'/'+name) LIST_of_clusters.append([cluster, number_in_cluster]) LIST_of_cluster_sizes.append(int(number_in_cluster)) print 'current cluster size= ', number_in_cluster if float(number_in_cluster) >= float(NMODELS/2): GOT_LARGEST_CLUSTER = True print 'got_largest_cluster', number_in_cluster , NMODELS, ' cluster_number ', cluster #return the largest_cluster largest_size, largest_cluster_path = SORT_clusters(LIST_of_clusters, outpath + '/cluster_' + str(core) ) return largest_size, largest_cluster_path else: cluster += 1 #check if all done #if a cluster is larger than reamining files LIST_of_cluster_sizes.sort() LIST_of_cluster_sizes.reverse() total_files_in_all_clusters = 0 for sizes in LIST_of_cluster_sizes: total_files_in_all_clusters +=sizes #total no of sorted files remaining_unsorted = NMODELS - total_files_in_all_clusters #get number of remaining files print 'CLUSTER= ', cluster, ' sorted= ', total_files_in_all_clusters, ' remaining= ', len(files), ' largest so far = ', LIST_of_cluster_sizes[0] # print random_model_to_compare if float(LIST_of_cluster_sizes[0]) >= float(len(files)): #if there is a cluster bigger than the remaining files largest_size, largest_cluster_path = SORT_clusters(LIST_of_clusters, outpath + '/cluster_' + str(core) ) #print 'RETURNING largest ', largest_size, ' cluster ' , largest_cluster return largest_size, largest_cluster_path
[docs]def RUN_CLUSTER(levels, path, path_to_LGA, outpath, nproc, NMODELS): LOG = open(outpath +'/CLUSTERING_LOG',"w") largest_cluster = path cluster_results=[] index = 0 for level in levels: using_level = [levels[index]] NMODELS, largest_cluster = cluster(largest_cluster, path_to_LGA, nproc, NMODELS, outpath, using_level ) print 'DONE', largest_cluster print 'NEW NMODELS ' , NMODELS LOG.write(str(level) + ' ' + str(NMODELS) + '\n') if NMODELS > nproc: nproc = NMODELS-1 cluster_results.append(NMODELS) index +=1 if NMODELS <=2: # stop at threshold or crash return cluster_results return cluster_results
#################################### #path = '/home/jaclyn/Desktop/backup_scripts/NEW_WORKFLOW/MASTER_parallel/PROGRAM/Version_0.1/test/models' #path_to_LGA = '/home/jaclyn/Desktop/cmd/casp/LGA_package' #outpath = '/home/jaclyn/Desktop/backup_scripts/NEW_WORKFLOW/MASTER_parallel/PROGRAM/Version_0.1/test/run/' #nproc = 1 #NMODELS = 1000# #levels = [20,25,30,40,50,60] #path = '/home/jaclyn/Desktop/backup_scripts/NEW_WORKFLOW/MASTER_parallel/PROGRAM/Version_0.1/test/models' #outpath = '/home/jaclyn/Desktop/backup_scripts/NEW_WORKFLOW/MASTER_parallel/PROGRAM/Version_0.1/test/clusters/' #nproc = 8 #NMODELS = 10 #cluster_results = RUN_CLUSTER(levels, path, path_to_LGA, outpath, nproc, NMODELS) #print 'GOT', cluster_results