Source code for ample.util.tm_util

#!/usr/bin/env ccp4-python

from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "28 Jul 2016"
__version__ = 1.0

import itertools
import logging
import operator
import os
import random
import string
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings

from ample.parsers import alignment_parser
from ample.parsers import tm_parser
from ample.util import ample_util
from ample.util import pdb_edit
from ample.util import workers_util

    from Bio import PDB
    from Bio import SeqIO
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelData(object): """Class to store model data""" __slots__ = ('model_name', 'structure_name', 'model_fname', 'structure_fname', 'log_fname', 'tmscore', 'rmsd', 'nr_residues_common', 'gdtts', 'gdtha', 'maxsub', 'seq_id') def __init__(self, model_name, structure_name, model_fname, structure_fname, log_fname, tmscore, rmsd, nr_residues_common): self.model_name = model_name self.structure_name = structure_name self.model_fname = model_fname self.structure_fname = structure_fname self.log_fname = log_fname self.tmscore = tmscore self.rmsd = rmsd self.nr_residues_common = nr_residues_common self.gdtts = 0.0 self.gdtha = 0.0 self.maxsub = 0.0 self.seq_id = 0 def _asdict(self): """Convert the object to a dictionary""" return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__}
[docs]class TMapps(object): """ Superclass of TMscore and TMalign Attributes ---------- entries : list List containing the TMscore entries on a per-model basis structure : str Path to the reference structure method : str One of [TMscore|TMalign] executable : str Path to the TMscore executable work_dir : str Path to the working directory Todo ---- * Function to return the entries as numpy matrix * Function to return the entries in a pandas dataframe """ def __init__(self, executable, method, wdir=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- executable : str Path to the executable method : str One of [TMscore|TMalign] work_dir : str Path to the working directory """ self.entries = [] self.executable = executable self.method = method.lower() self.work_dir = wdir if wdir else os.getcwd() # Cluster submission options self._nproc = kwargs['nproc'] if 'nproc' in kwargs else 1 self._submit_cluster = kwargs['submit_cluster'] if 'submit_cluster' in kwargs else False self._submit_qtype = kwargs['submit_qtype'] if 'submit_qtype' in kwargs else None self._submit_queue = kwargs['submit_queue'] if 'submit_queue' in kwargs else None self._submit_array = kwargs['submit_array'] if 'submit_array' in kwargs else True self._submit_max_array = kwargs['submit_max_array'] if 'submit_max_array' in kwargs else None
[docs] def comparison(self, models, structures): """ Compare a list of model structures to a second list of reference structures Parameters ---------- models : list List containing the paths to the model structure files structures : list List containing the paths to the reference structure files Returns ------- entries : list List of TMscore data entries on a per-model basis """ if len(models) < 1 or len(structures) < 1: msg = 'No model structures provided' if len(models) < 1 else \ 'No reference structures provided' logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif len(structures) == 1:'Using single structure provided for all model comparisons') structures = [structures[0] for _ in xrange(len(models))] elif len(models) != len(structures): msg = "Unequal number of models and structures" logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Create a logfile parser if self.method == "tmalign": pt = tm_parser.TMalignLogParser() elif self.method == "tmscore": pt = tm_parser.TMscoreLogParser() else: msg = "Invalid method selected: ", self.method logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ======================================================================= # Iterate through the structure files and execute the TMscore comparisons # ======================================================================='Using algorithm: {0}'.format(self.method))'------- Evaluating decoys -------') # Construct the job scripts data_entries = [] # Store some data job_scripts = [] # Hold job scripts log_files = [] # Hold paths to log files for model_pdb, structure_pdb in zip(models, structures): # Some file names model_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model_pdb))[0] structure_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(structure_pdb))[0] prefix = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(model_name, structure_name, self.method) if not os.path.isfile(model_pdb): logger.warning("Cannot find: {0}".format(model_pdb)) continue elif not os.path.isfile(structure_pdb): logger.warning("Cannot find: {0}".format(structure_pdb)) continue # Create the run scripts script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=prefix, suffix=ample_util.SCRIPT_EXT, delete=False) script.write(ample_util.SCRIPT_HEADER + os.linesep * 2) script.write('{exe} {model} {reference} {sep}{sep}'.format( exe=self.executable, model=model_pdb, reference=structure_pdb, sep=os.linesep, )) script.close() os.chmod(, 0o777) job_scripts.append( # Save some more information data_entries.append([model_name, structure_name, model_pdb, structure_pdb]) log_files.append(os.path.splitext([0] + ".log") # Execute the scripts'Executing TManalysis scripts') logger.disabled = True success = workers_util.run_scripts( job_scripts=job_scripts, monitor=None, check_success=None, early_terminate=None, nproc=self._nproc, job_time=7200, # Might be too long/short, taken from Rosetta modelling job_name='tm_analysis', submit_cluster=self._submit_cluster, submit_qtype=self._submit_qtype, submit_queue=self._submit_queue, submit_array=self._submit_array, submit_max_array=self._submit_max_array ) logger.disabled = False if not success: msg = "Error running TManalysis" raise RuntimeError(msg) # Extract the data entries = [] for entry, log, script in zip(data_entries, log_files, job_scripts): try: # Reset the TM log parser to default values pt.reset() # Parse the TM method logfile to extract the data pt.parse(log) except Exception: msg = "Error processing the {0} log file: {1}".format(self.method, log) logger.critical(msg) log = "None" model_name, structure_name, model_pdb, structure_pdb = entry _entry = self._store(model_name, structure_name, model_pdb, structure_pdb, log, pt) entries.append(_entry) os.unlink(script) self.entries = entries return entries
def _get_iterator(self, all_vs_all): """ Parameters ---------- all_vs_all: bool Returns ------- function """ # Use different itertools functions depending on the comparison type if all_vs_all:"All-vs-all comparison of models and structures") iterator = itertools.product # yields an iterator of all unique combinations else:"Direct comparison of models and structures") iterator = itertools.izip # yields a zipped iterator return iterator def _store(self, model_name, structure_name, model_pdb, structure_pdb, logfile, pt): # Generic data that either both parsers have or are defined independently of the parser model = ModelData(model_name, structure_name, model_pdb, structure_pdb, logfile,, pt.rmsd, pt.nr_residues_common) # Specific attributes that either but not both parsers have if hasattr(pt, 'gdtts'): model.gdtts = pt.gdtts if hasattr(pt, 'gdtha'): model.gdtha = pt.gdtha if hasattr(pt, 'maxsub'): model.maxsub = pt.maxsub if hasattr(pt, 'seq_id'): model.seq_id = pt.seq_id return model._asdict()
[docs] @staticmethod def binary_avail(binary): """Check if TM binary is available Paramaters ---------- binary : str The binary name of `TMscore` or `TMalign` Returns ------- bool Raises ------ ValueError The binary is not `TMalign` or `TMscore` """ if binary.lower() == 'tmalign': exe_name = "TMalign" + ample_util.EXE_EXT elif binary.lower() == 'tmscore': exe_name = "TMscore" + ample_util.EXE_EXT else: raise ValueError('Provide one of TMalign or TMscore') try: ample_util.find_exe(exe_name) except: return False return True
[docs]class TMalign(TMapps): """ Wrapper to handle TMalign scoring for one or more structures Examples -------- >>> models = ["<MODEL_1>", "<MODEL_2>", "<MODEL_3>"] >>> references = ["<REFERENCE_1>", "<REFERENCE>", "<REFERENCE>"] >>> tm = TMalign("<PATH_TO_EXE>") >>> entries = tm.compare_structures(models, references) """ def __init__(self, executable, wdir=None, **kwargs): super(TMalign, self).__init__(executable, "TMalign", wdir=wdir, **kwargs)
[docs] def compare_structures(self, models, structures, all_vs_all=False): """ Compare a list of model structures to a second list of reference structures Parameters ---------- models : list List containing the paths to the model structure files structures : list List containing the paths to the reference structure files all_vs_all : bool Flag to compare all models against all structures Returns ------- entries : list """ # Check what we are comparing if len(structures) == 1:'Using single structure provided for all model comparisons') structures = [structures[0] for _ in xrange(len(models))] # The models parsed forward to the comparison models_to_compare, structures_to_compare = [], [] combination_iterator = self._get_iterator(all_vs_all) for (model, structure) in combination_iterator(models, structures): models_to_compare.append(model) structures_to_compare.append(structure) return self.comparison(models_to_compare, structures_to_compare)
[docs]class TMscore(TMapps): """ Wrapper to handle TMscoring for one or more structures Examples -------- >>> models = ["<MODEL_1>", "<MODEL_2>", "<MODEL_3>"] >>> references = ["<REFERENCE_1>", "<REFERENCE>", "<REFERENCE>"] >>> tm = TMscore("<PATH_TO_EXE>") >>> entries = tm.compare_structures(models, references) """ def __init__(self, executable, wdir=None, **kwargs): super(TMscore, self).__init__(executable, "TMscore", wdir=wdir, **kwargs)
[docs] def compare_structures(self, models, structures, fastas=None, all_vs_all=False): """ Compare a list of model structures to a second list of reference structures Parameters ---------- models : list List containing the paths to the model structure files structures : list List containing the paths to the reference structure files fastas : list List containing the paths to the FASTA files all_vs_all : bool Flag to compare all models against all structures Returns ------- entries : list List of TMscore data entries on a per-model basis Notes ----- If a FASTA sequence is provided, a much more accurate comparison can be carried out. However, to by-pass this there is also an option to run the comparison without it. This might work just fine for larger models. """ if not BIOPYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError("Biopython is not available") # Check what we are comparing if structures and len(structures) == 1:'Using single structure provided for all model comparisons') structures = [structures[0] for _ in xrange(len(models))] if fastas and len(fastas) == 1:'Using single FASTA provided for all model comparisons') fastas = [fastas[0] for _ in xrange(len(models))] # The models parsed forward to the comparison models_to_compare, structures_to_compare = [], [] combination_iterator = self._get_iterator(all_vs_all) if fastas: # Determine the iterator and create the combinations to be compared for (model, structure, fasta) in combination_iterator(models, structures, fastas): # Extract the FASTA sequence fasta_record = list(SeqIO.parse(open(fasta, 'r'), 'fasta'))[0] fasta_data = [(i + 1, j) for i, j in enumerate(str(fasta_record.seq))] # Extract some information from each PDB structure file model_data = list(self._pdb_info(model)) structure_data = list(self._pdb_info(structure)) # Align the model sequence to the FASTA sequence for fasta_pos in fasta_data: if fasta_pos not in model_data: model_data.append((fasta_pos[0], "-")) model_data.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) # Align the structure_sequence to the model sequence aln_parser = alignment_parser.AlignmentParser() fasta_structure_aln = aln_parser.align_sequences("".join(zip(*fasta_data)[1]), "".join(zip(*structure_data)[1])) # Remove parts of the alignment that are gaps in both sequences to_remove = [] _alignment = zip("".join(zip(*model_data)[1]), fasta_structure_aln[1]) for i, (model_res, structure_res) in enumerate(_alignment): if model_res == "-" and structure_res == "-": to_remove.append(i) for i in reversed(to_remove): _alignment.pop(i) model_aln = "".join(zip(*_alignment)[0]) structure_aln = "".join(zip(*_alignment)[1]) if len(model_aln) != len(structure_aln): msg = "Unequal lengths of your model and structure sequences" logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Modify the structures based on the aligned sequences pdb_combo = self._mod_structures(model_aln, structure_aln, model, structure) # Save the models models_to_compare.append(pdb_combo[0]) structures_to_compare.append(pdb_combo[1]) else: # No FASTA processing etc, pure comparisons of sequences for (model, structure) in combination_iterator(models, structures): # Extract some information from each PDB structure file model_data = list(self._pdb_info(model)) structure_data = list(self._pdb_info(structure)) # Align the sequences to see how much of the predicted decoys are in the xtal alignment = alignment_parser.AlignmentParser().align_sequences("".join(zip(*model_data)[1]), "".join(zip(*structure_data)[1])) # Redundant but identical to if alignment = zip(alignment[0], alignment[1]) model_aln = "".join(zip(*alignment)[0]) structure_aln = "".join(zip(*alignment)[1]) if len(model_aln) != len(structure_aln): msg = "Unequal lengths of your model and structure sequences" logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Modify the structures based on the aligned sequences pdb_combo = self._mod_structures(model_aln, structure_aln, model, structure) # Save the models9 models_to_compare.append(pdb_combo[0]) structures_to_compare.append(pdb_combo[1]) return self.comparison(models_to_compare, structures_to_compare)
def _mod_structures(self, model_aln, structure_aln, model_pdb, structure_pdb): """ Parameters ---------- model_aln : str A string containing the aligned sequence of the model structure_aln : str A string containing the alignment sequence of the structure model_pdb : str The path to the model pdb file structure_pdb : str The path to the structure pdb file Returns ------- model_pdb_ret : str The path to the modified model pdb file structure_pdb_ret : str The path to the modified structure pdb file """ # ================================ # File definitions # ================================ # Create a storage for the files work_dir_mod = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "tm_util_pdbs") if not os.path.isdir(work_dir_mod): os.mkdir(work_dir_mod) # Create a random file suffix to avoid overwriting file names if duplicate # Taken from random_suffix = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) # File names and output files model_name = os.path.basename(model_pdb).rsplit(".", 1)[0] model_pdb_ret = os.path.join(work_dir_mod, "_".join([model_name, random_suffix, "mod.pdb"])) structure_name = os.path.basename(structure_pdb).rsplit(".", 1)[0] structure_pdb_ret = os.path.join(work_dir_mod, "_".join([structure_name, random_suffix, "mod.pdb"])) # Check if the files we are to create for comparison do not exist if os.path.isfile(model_pdb_ret) or os.path.isfile(structure_pdb_ret): msg = "Comparison structures exist. Move, delete or rename before continuing" logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Create temporary files _model_pdb_tmp_stage1 = ample_util.tmp_file_name(delete=False, directory=work_dir_mod, suffix=".pdb") _model_pdb_tmp_stage2 = ample_util.tmp_file_name(delete=False, directory=work_dir_mod, suffix=".pdb") _structure_pdb_tmp_stage1 = ample_util.tmp_file_name(delete=False, directory=work_dir_mod, suffix=".pdb") _structure_pdb_tmp_stage2 = ample_util.tmp_file_name(delete=False, directory=work_dir_mod, suffix=".pdb") # ================================== # File manipulation and modification # ================================== # Get the gap positions in both sequences model_gaps = self._find_gaps(model_aln) structure_gaps = self._find_gaps(structure_aln) # Renumber the pdb files - required in case there are any gaps pdb_edit.renumber_residues_gaps(model_pdb, _model_pdb_tmp_stage1, model_gaps) pdb_edit.renumber_residues_gaps(structure_pdb, _structure_pdb_tmp_stage1, structure_gaps) # Determine the gap indeces model_gaps_indeces = [i+1 for i, is_gap in enumerate(model_gaps) if is_gap] structure_gaps_indeces = [i + 1 for i, is_gap in enumerate(structure_gaps) if is_gap] # Use gaps of other sequence to even out pdb_edit.select_residues(_model_pdb_tmp_stage1, _model_pdb_tmp_stage2, delete=structure_gaps_indeces) pdb_edit.select_residues(_structure_pdb_tmp_stage1, _structure_pdb_tmp_stage2, delete=model_gaps_indeces) # Renumber the pdb files - required by TMscore binary pdb_edit.renumber_residues(_model_pdb_tmp_stage2, model_pdb_ret) pdb_edit.renumber_residues(_structure_pdb_tmp_stage2, structure_pdb_ret) # ================================== # Checks and validations # ================================== # Extract some information from each PDB structure file _model_data = list(self._pdb_info(model_pdb_ret)) _structure_data = list(self._pdb_info(structure_pdb_ret)) # Make sure our structures contain the same residues with correct indeces if set(_model_data) != set(_structure_data): msg = "Residues in model and structure non-identical. Affected PDBs {0} - {1}".format(model_name, structure_name) logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Remove the temporary files for f in [_model_pdb_tmp_stage1, _model_pdb_tmp_stage2, _structure_pdb_tmp_stage1, _structure_pdb_tmp_stage2]: os.unlink(f) return model_pdb_ret, structure_pdb_ret def _find_gaps(self, seq): """ Identify gaps in the protein chain Parameters ---------- seq : str String of amino acids Returns ------- indexes : list List of booleans that contain gaps """ return [True if char == "-" else False for char in seq] def _pdb_info(self, pdb): """ Obtain the pdb indeces and residue names Parameters ---------- pdb : str The path to a PDB file Yields ------ list A list containing per residue information """ if not BIOPYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError("Biopython is not available") with warnings.catch_warnings(): logger.debug("Suppressing BIOPYTHON warnings for PDBParser") warnings.simplefilter("ignore") structure = PDB.PDBParser().get_structure("pdb", pdb) # Weird problem with get_...() methods if MODEL is not explicitly stated in # PDB file. Thus, just iterate over everything return when top chain completed for model in structure: for i, chain in enumerate(model): if i > 0: return for residue in chain: hetero, res_seq, _ = residue.get_id() if hetero.strip(): logger.debug("Hetero atom detected in {0}: {1}".format(pdb, res_seq)) continue resname_three = residue.resname if resname_three == "MSE": resname_three = "MET" resname_one = PDB.Polypeptide.three_to_one(resname_three) yield (res_seq, resname_one) def _residue_one(self, pdb): """ Find the first residue index in a pdb structure Parameters ---------- pdb : str Path to a structure file in PDB format Returns ------- int Residue sequence index of first residue in structure file """ for line in open(pdb, 'r'): if line.startswith("ATOM"): line = line.split() return int(line[5])
[docs]def main(): import argparse import csv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--allvall', action="store_true", help="All vs all comparison") parser.add_argument('--log', default='info', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'], help="logging level (defaults to 'warning')") # parser.add_argument('--purge', action="store_true", help="Remove the run directory") parser.add_argument('--rundir', default=os.getcwd(), help="Run directory") parser.add_argument('-f', '-fasta', dest="fastas", nargs="+", default=None) parser.add_argument('-m', '-models', dest="models", nargs="+", required=True) parser.add_argument('-s', '-structures', dest="structures", nargs="+", required=True) tmapp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() tmapp.add_argument('-tm', '-tmscore', dest="tmscore", type=str) tmapp.add_argument('-ta', '-tmalign', dest="tmalign", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() # Set up some very basic logging - Logging taken from # logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log.upper(), None), format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') # Make the run directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(args.rundir): os.mkdir(args.rundir) # Perform the comparison if args.tmalign: entries = TMalign(args.tmalign, wdir=args.rundir).compare_structures(args.models, args.structures, all_vs_all=args.allvall) elif args.tmscore: entries = TMscore(args.tmscore, wdir=args.rundir).compare_structures(args.models, args.structures, fastas=args.fastas, all_vs_all=args.allvall) else: entries = None if entries: csv_file = os.path.join(args.rundir, 'tm_results.csv') with open(csv_file, 'wb') as f_out: w = csv.DictWriter(f_out, entries[0].keys()) w.writeheader() for entry in entries: w.writerow(entry) return entries
if __name__ == "__main__": main() sys.exit(0)