Source code for ample.util.scwrl_util

@author: jmht

import glob
import os
import logging

from ample.util import ample_util
from ample.util import pdb_edit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Scwrl( object ): def __init__(self, scwrl_exe=None, workdir=None ): self.workdir = workdir if self.workdir is None: self.workdir = os.getcwd() if not ample_util.is_exe(scwrl_exe): raise RuntimeError("scwrl_exe {0} cannot be found.".format(scwrl_exe)) self.scwrl_exe = scwrl_exe
[docs] def add_sidechains(self, pdbin=None, pdbout=None, sequence=None, hydrogens=False, strip_oxt=False): """Add the specified sidechains to the pdb""" _pdbout = pdbout if strip_oxt: _pdbout = pdbout+"_OXT" cmd = [ self.scwrl_exe, "-i", pdbin, "-o", _pdbout ] # Not needed by default if sequence is not None: sequenceFile = os.path.join( self.workdir, "sequence.file") with open( sequenceFile, 'w' ) as w: w.write( sequence + os.linesep ) cmd += [ "-s", sequenceFile ] # Don't output hydrogens if not hydrogens: cmd += ['-h'] logfile = os.path.abspath("scwrl.log") retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, logfile=logfile) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error running Scwrl - please check the logfile: {0}".format(logfile)) else: os.unlink(logfile) if strip_oxt: # Remove all OXT atoms pdb_edit.strip(_pdbout, pdbout, atom_types=['OXT']) os.unlink(_pdbout) return os.path.abspath(pdbout)
[docs] def process_directory(self, in_dir, out_dir, strip_oxt=False, prefix="scwrl" ):'Adding sidechains with SCWRL to models in directory: {0}'.format(in_dir)) self.process_models(glob.glob( os.path.join( in_dir, '*.pdb') ), out_dir, strip_oxt=strip_oxt, prefix=prefix) return
[docs] def process_models(self, models, out_dir, strip_oxt=False, prefix="scwrl"):'Adding sidechains with SCWRL to models') out_pdbs = [] for i, pdb in enumerate(models): out_pdbs.append(self.add_sidechains(pdbin=pdb, pdbout=ample_util.filename_append(pdb, prefix, directory=out_dir), strip_oxt=strip_oxt))'Processed {0} models with SCWRL into directory: {1}'.format(i+1, out_dir)) return out_pdbs