Source code for ample.util.clusterize

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Class for submitting ample modelling and MR/Refine/Build components to a cluster
# queuing system.
# Ronan Keegan 25/10/2011
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import shlex
import shutil
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClusterRun: def __init__(self): self.qList = [] self.runningQueueList = [] self.QTYPE = "" self.modeller = None self.runDir = None self.logDir = None self._scriptFile = None self.debug = True return
[docs] def cleanUpArrayJob(self, scriptFile=None, logDir=None): """Rename all the log files Args: logDir: directory that the logfiles should end up in """ if not scriptFile: scriptFile = self._scriptFile assert os.path.isfile(scriptFile), "Cannot find scriptFile {0}".format(scriptFile) scriptFiles = [] with open(scriptFile) as f: for line in f: scriptFiles.append(line.strip()) for i, line in enumerate(scriptFiles): jobDir, script = os.path.split(line) jobName = os.path.splitext(script)[0] oldLog = "arrayJob_{0}.log".format(i + 1) if logDir is None: # Put log in script directory newLog = os.path.join(jobDir, "{0}.log".format(jobName)) else: newLog = os.path.join(logDir, "{0}.log".format(jobName)) if os.path.isfile(oldLog): logger.debug("Moving {0} to {1}".format(oldLog, newLog)) # WARNING: problems with os.rename() call on BADB # os.rename docs -->> The operation may fail on some Unix # flavors if src and dst are on different filesystems. shutil.move(oldLog, newLog) else: logger.critical("Cannot find logfile {0} to copy to {1}".format(oldLog, newLog)) return
[docs] def getRunningJobList(self, user=""): """ Check a job status int the cluster queue For LSF output is of form: JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 35340 jxt15-d RUN q1h32 ida7c42 ida2a40 *ep 5;done Mar 25 13:23 ida2a40 ida2a40 """ if self.QTYPE == "SGE": if user == "": command_line = 'qstat' else: command_line = 'qstat -u ' + user elif self.QTYPE == "LSF": if user == "": command_line = 'bjobs' else: command_line = 'bjobs -u ' + user log_lines = [] self.runningQueueList = [] process_args = shlex.split(command_line) p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) child_stdout = p.stdout out = child_stdout.readline() while out: # sys.stdout.write(out) log_lines.append(out.strip()) out = child_stdout.readline() child_stdout.close() if log_lines != []: log_lines.pop(0) # SGE has extra header if self.QTYPE == "SGE": log_lines.pop(0) for i in log_lines: self.runningQueueList.append(i.split()[0]) return
[docs] def monitorQueue(self, user="", monitor=None): """ Monitor the Cluster queue to see when all jobs are completed """ if not len(self.qList): raise RuntimeError("No jobs found in self.qList!")"Jobs submitted to cluster queue, awaiting their completion...") # set a holder for the qlist runningList = self.qList newRunningList = [] while runningList != []: time.sleep(60) self.getRunningJobList(user) for job in runningList: if str(job) in self.runningQueueList: newRunningList.append(job) if len(runningList) > len(newRunningList): "Queue Monitor: %d out of %d jobs remaining in cluster queue...", len(newRunningList), len(self.qList), ) if len(newRunningList) == 0:"Queue Monitor: All jobs complete!") runningList = newRunningList newRunningList = [] if monitor: monitor() return
[docs] def queueDirectives( self, nproc=None, log_file=None, job_name=None, job_time=None, submit_max_array=None, submit_num_array_jobs=None, submit_pe_sge='mpi', submit_pe_lsf='#BSUB -R "span[ptile={0}]"', submit_qtype=None, submit_queue=None, ): """ Create a string suitable for writing out as the header of the submission script for submitting to a particular queueing system. Args: job_scripts -- the list of scripts to run as the array job_name -- the name of the job in the queue (required for LSF array jobs) job_dir -- the directory the job will run in job_time -- maximum job runtime in minutes (CHECK) submit_max_array -- maximum number of array jobs to run concurrently submit_queue -- the name of the queue to submit the job to submit_qtype -- the type of the queueing system (e.g. SGE) Returns: queue directives as a list of EOL-terminated strings """ sh = [] if submit_qtype == "SGE": sh += ['#$ -j y\n', '#$ -cwd\n', '#$ -w e\n', '#$ -V\n', '#$ -S /bin/bash\n'] if job_time: sh += ['#$ -l h_rt={0}\n'.format(job_time)] if submit_queue: sh += ['#$ -q {0}\n'.format(submit_queue)] if job_name: sh += ['#$ -N {0}\n'.format(job_name)] if submit_num_array_jobs: sh += ['#$ -o arrayJob_$TASK_ID.log\n'] sh += ['#$ -t 1-{0}\n'.format(submit_num_array_jobs)] if submit_max_array: sh += ['#$ -tc {0}\n'.format(submit_max_array)] else: if log_file: sh += ['#$ -o {0}\n'.format(log_file)] if nproc and nproc > 1: sh += ['#$ -pe {0} {1}\n'.format(submit_pe_sge, nproc)] # Later versions of SGE don't properly export the PATH so need to do it ourselves sh += ['export PATH=${PATH}:${SGE_O_PATH}\n'] sh += ['\n'] elif submit_qtype == "LSF": if nproc and submit_pe_lsf: sh += [submit_pe_lsf.format(nproc) + os.linesep] if job_time: sh += ['#BSUB -W {0}\n'.format(job_time / 60)] else: sh += ['#BSUB -W 4:00\n'] if nproc and nproc > 1: sh += ['#BSUB -n {0}\n'.format(nproc)] if submit_queue: sh += ['#BSUB -q {0}\n'.format(submit_queue)] if log_file: sh += ['#BSUB -o {0}\n'.format(log_file)] if submit_num_array_jobs: assert job_name, "LSF array job requires a job name" sh += ['#BSUB -o arrayJob_%I.log\n'] if submit_max_array: sh += ['#BSUB -J {0}[1-{1}]%{2}\n'.format(job_name, submit_num_array_jobs, submit_max_array)] else: sh += ['#BSUB -J {0}[1-{1}]\n'.format(job_name, submit_num_array_jobs)] elif job_name: sh += ['#BSUB -J {0}\n'.format(job_name)] sh += ['\n'] else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised QTYPE: {0}".format(submit_queue)) sh += ['\n'] return sh
[docs] def submitJob(self, subScript): """ Submit the job to the queue and return the job number. Args: subScript -- the path to the submission script Returns: job number as a string We cd to the job directory, submit and then cd back to where we came from """ command_line = None stdin = None if self.QTYPE == "SGE": command_line = 'qsub -V %s' % subScript elif self.QTYPE == "LSF": command_line = 'bsub' stdin = open(subScript, "r") else: msg = "Unrecognised QTYPE: {0}".format(self.QTYPE) raise RuntimeError(msg) logger.debug("Submitting job with command: {0}".format(command_line)) process_args = shlex.split(command_line) try: p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Error submitting job to queue with commmand: {0}\n{1}".format(command_line, e)) child_stdout = p.stdout child_stderr = p.stderr # Check there were no errors stderr_str = child_stderr.readline() if self.QTYPE == "SGE" and "Unable to run job" in stderr_str: raise RuntimeError("Error submitting job to cluster queueing system: {0}".format(stderr_str)) # Watch the output for successful termination out = child_stdout.readline() qNumber = 0 while out: qNumber = None if self.QTYPE == "SGE": if "Your job-array" in out: # Array jobs have different form # Your job-array 19094.1-10:1 ("array.script") has been submitted qNumber = int(out.split()[2].split(".")[0]) self.qList.append(qNumber) elif "Your job" in out: qNumber = int(out.split()[2]) self.qList.append(qNumber) elif self.QTYPE == "LSF": # Job <35339> is submitted to queue <q1h32>. if "is submitted to queue" in out: qStr = out.split()[1] qNumber = int(qStr.strip("<>")) self.qList.append(qNumber) if qNumber: logger.debug("Submission script {0} submitted to queue as job {1}".format(subScript, qNumber)) out = child_stdout.readline() child_stdout.close() return str(qNumber)
[docs] def submitArrayJob( self, job_scripts, job_name=None, job_time=None, submit_max_array=None, submit_queue=None, submit_qtype=None ): """Submit a list of jobs as an array job Args: job_scripts -- the list of scripts to run as the array job_name -- the name of the job in the queue (required for LSF array jobs) job_dir -- the directory the job will run in job_time -- maximum job runtime in minutes (CHECK) submit_max_array -- maximum number of array jobs to run concurrently submit_queue -- the name of the queue to submit the job to submit_qtype -- the type of the queueing system (e.g. SGE) """ job_dir = os.getcwd() # Create the list of scripts self._scriptFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_dir, "")) nJobs = len(job_scripts) with open(self._scriptFile, 'w') as f: for s in job_scripts: # Check the scripts are of the correct format - abspath and .sh extension if not s.startswith("/") or not s.endswith(".sh"): raise RuntimeError( "Scripts for array jobs must be absolute paths with a .sh extension: {0}".format(s) ) f.write(s + "\n") # Generate the qsub array script arrayScript = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_dir, "array.script")) if submit_qtype == "SGE": task_env = 'SGE_TASK_ID' elif submit_qtype == "LSF": task_env = 'LSB_JOBINDEX' else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported submission type: {0}".format(submit_qtype)) # Write head of script s = "#!/bin/sh\n" # Queue directives s += "".join( self.queueDirectives( nproc=None, log_file=None, job_name=job_name, job_time=job_time, submit_max_array=submit_max_array, submit_num_array_jobs=nJobs, submit_queue=submit_queue, submit_qtype=submit_qtype, ) ) # body s += """scriptlist={0} # Extract info on what we need to run script=`sed -n "${{{1}}}p" $scriptlist` jobdir=`dirname $script` jobname=`basename $script .sh` # cd to jobdir and runit cd $jobdir # Run the script $script """.format( self._scriptFile, task_env ) with open(arrayScript, 'w') as f: f.write(s) self.submitJob(arrayScript) return