Source code for ample.util.logging_util

from enum import Enum
import json
import logging.config
import os
import sys

from ample.constants import AMPLE_LOGGER_CONFIG

[docs]class LogColors(Enum): """Color container for log messages""" CRITICAL = 31 DEBUG = 34 DEFAULT = 0 ERROR = 31 WARNING = 33
[docs]class LogColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for log messages"""
[docs] def format(self, record): if record.levelname in LogColors.__members__: prefix = '\033[1;{}m'.format(LogColors[record.levelname].value) postfix = '\033[{}m'.format(LogColors["DEFAULT"].value) record.msg = os.linesep.join([prefix + msg + postfix for msg in str(record.msg).splitlines()]) return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]def setup_logging(argso): """Read JSON config for logger and return root logger Also sets the path to the AMPLE logfile in the dictionary (required for pyrvapi)""" if not os.path.isfile(AMPLE_LOGGER_CONFIG): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find AMPLE_LOGGER_CONFIG file: {}".format(AMPLE_LOGGER_CONFIG)) with open(AMPLE_LOGGER_CONFIG, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) logging.config.dictConfig(config) try: argso['ample_log'] = os.path.abspath(config['handlers']['file_handler']['filename']) except KeyError: argso['ample_log'] = None return logging.getLogger()
[docs]def setup_console_logging(level=logging.INFO, formatstr='%(message)s\n'): """ Set up logging to the console - required for the individual modules. Parameters ---------- level : int Sets the threshold for the console output to level. formatstr : str The string used to format the log messages Returns ------- logger : :obj:logging.logger The root logger """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Seems they changed the api in python 2.6->2.7 try: cl = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) except TypeError: cl = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) cl.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter(formatstr) cl.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(cl) return logger
[docs]def setup_file_logging(logfile, level=logging.DEBUG, formatstr='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'): """ Set up logging to a file - required for the individual modules. Parameters ---------- logfile : str The path to the logfile that output will be written to. level : int Sets the threshold for the console output to level. formatstr : str The string used to format the log messages Returns ------- logger : :obj:logging.logger The root logger """ logger = logging.getLogger() fl = logging.FileHandler(logfile) fl.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter(formatstr) fl.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fl) return logger